Voxxed Days Microservices 2019: Bernd Rucker on “Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems”

Hi Bernd, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

Our customers. Over the last years they adopted that architectural style more and more – and of course, had questions around it. Then I saw a lot of misunderstandings around how to implement end to end business processes or workflows in these microservices architectures – as people tried to avoid mistakes made with BPM and SOA. That got me into thinking about that whole topic and I got quite enthusiastic about it – which lead to a couple of articles and more than 100 talks around the world.  

Voxxed Days Microservices: Katherine Stanley on “Creating Event-Driven Microservices: The Why, How and What”

Hi Katherine, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

My name is Katherine Stanley, although I am generally known as Kate. I work at IBM as a software engineer on a product called IBM Event Streams. IBM Event Streams is a fully supported Apache Kafka offering with value-add capabilities. I first became interested in microservices when I was working for the IBM WebSphere Liberty team. My role was to work with our customers to make sure getting started with Liberty was as easy as possible. My team quickly discovered that although Liberty is easy to use, our customers were getting stuck on microservices. I have always enjoyed presenting so since 2016 I have been presenting at conferences all around the world to help people understand and write better microservices.

Voxxed Days Microservices: Chris Bailey on “Jakarta EE — Not Just for Servers”

Hi Chris, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

Working on microservices has been a natural progression as the industry has evolved. My background is working on programming languages and their associated frameworks, and part of that is ensuring that applications built using those languages and frameworks evolve to not just both support new deployment approaches, but fully exploit the new environments.

Nate Schutta on ”Responsible Microservices”

Hi Nate, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

I’ve been described as “architect as a service” which pretty much describes my job these days (just don’t say the acronym out loud in a meeting). Having built and architected my fair share of enterprise web apps I’m quite familiar with the drawbacks of the monolith as well as the…challenges inherent in legacy infrastructure. Today every company is a tech company and we can no longer afford lengthy development cycles; smaller codebases, independent deployability, independent scalability, polytglot tech stacks combined with cloud platforms give us a powerful set of tools.