Giving Tech a Voice: With Jessica Earley-Cha

There have been many innovations in voice communication over the past few hundred years — everything from phonographs to telephones to digital recordings and playback. Humanity has taken another leap forward in recent decades with voice-recognition and -controlled technologies like Google Assistant, allowing people to interact, learn, and create simply by saying, “Hey, Google.”

On the latest episode of our podcast, Decoded, we talked to Jessica Earley-Cha, developer relations engineer on the Assistant team at Google. In this role, she helps developers understand how to integrate their content and services into Google Assistant to effectively reach users in this new medium.

Build a RingCentral Virtual Voicemail Assistant for Your Business   — Part 1

RingCentral Virtual Voicemail Assistant

Nowadays, consumers have a variety of options for obtaining services and getting the help they need. They can use webchat, email, the Internet, and face-to-face contact, yet telephone customer service is still the first choice for most customers when they have questions or a problem that needs to be resolved.

In order to ensure your customers are happy with the customer service they receive, it’s even more important for you to provide exceptional customer service, including outstanding telephone service. Consumers expect better service than ever before, and the capabilities of modern telephone communications allow you to offer them the satisfaction and resolution they demand.