9 Test Automation Predictions for 2021: Automated Visual Testing

Every year, pundits and critics offer their predictions for the year ahead. Here are my predictions for test automation in 2021. (Note: these are my personal predictions)

Prediction 1: Stand-Alone QA Faces Challenges of Dev Teams With Integrated Quality Engineering

Teams running Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) have learned that developers must own the quality of their code. In 2021, everyone else will figure that out, too. Engineers know that the delay between developing code and finding bugs produces inefficient development teams. Companies running standalone QA teams find bugs later than teams with integrated quality. In 2021, this difference will begin to become painful as more companies adopt quality engineering in the midst of development.

The Future of Testing and the Big Bang of Software – Automated Visual Testing

In an era of digital transformation, software is no longer just a tool; it is at the heart of every business. Why is it at the heart of a business? Because we are constantly interacting with our users and customers through a booming number of software applications: web, mobile, and native.

Applitools recently sponsored an independent survey with 400 engineering and quality assurance leaders from a variety of Fortune 500 companies. Among other things, they were asked how many different applications they used in their organization and how many pages each application included. Let's look at the findings of the survey.

Visual Testing With Appium, Applitools, and Amazon Device Farm

Visual UI testing is more than just testing your app on Desktop browsers and Mobile emulators. In fact, you can do more with Visual UI testing to run your tests over physical mobile devices.

Visual UI testing compares the visually-rendered output of an application against itself in older iterations. Users call this type of test version checking. Some users apply visual testing for cross-browser tests. They run the same software version across different target devices/operating systems/browsers/viewports. For either purpose, we need a testing solution that has high accuracy, speed, and works with a range of browsers and devices. For these reasons, we chose Applitools.

Visual Testing

In this Refcard, we cover everything you need to know about visual testing, from best practices and benefits to the tools and coding required to perform visual testing.