How to Configure VS Code for Java

I recently shifted from IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and I have no regrets! VS Code is highly customizable and fast. It stores your settings in the cloud so you don’t have to worry about configurations when you move to a different machine.

As expected, it has support for Java, Git, SQL, Spring Boot, and many other languages, frameworks, and tools.

How to Start Visual Studio Code Extension Development

Most developers have used Visual Studio Code at some point in their careers. It has been voted the most popular IDE of 2021 by respondents of the StackOverflow developer survey, and its appeal is clear as ever. While the base program provides a framework for an IDE, all of the language support and special features are delivered as extensions, which makes it easy to extend and customize your installation. So inevitably, there comes a point where you want to write your own extension. This guide will walk you through the basics of getting started with Visual Studio (VS) Code extension development.

What Is a VS Code Extension?

Before we jump into coding, we should clear up what a VS Code extension is on a technical level. Extensions are basically programs, written in JavaScript or TypeScript, which hook into various parts of VS Code. They provide functions for VS Code to call when certain events happen, and can programmatically interact with (some parts of) VS Code in those functions.

Extensions are distributed as ZIP files with a specific file and folder structure inside. The files contained in this structure are usually very verbose and not friendly for humans to read or write so there’s an official build tool to generate such ZIP files from source code: vsce. Its usage will be explained later on in this post.

Local Debugging on a Google Action

Google Actions can be developed using Firebase Cloud functions or a REST API endpoint. Firebase Cloud Function function is Googles's implementation of serverless functions available in Firebase. Google recommends using Firebase Cloud Function functions for Google Action development.

This is a very lightweight and powerful approach to developing our Google Action. However, it is complex to work locally with serverless functions like Firebase Cloud Functions.

Google Action With Node.js

Google Actions can be developed using Firebase Cloud functions or a REST API endpoint. Firebase Cloud Function function is Googles's implementation of serverless functions available in Firebase. Google recommends using Firebase Cloud Function functions for Google Action development.

In this post, we will implement a Google Action for Google Assistant by using Node.js, yarn, and Firebase Cloud Functions. This Google Action is basically a Hello World example.

Coding and Testing Linux Applications on Windows Using WSL and VS Code

In this article, I will share my experience of using Windows Subsystem for Linux along with Visual Studio Code for some basic coding and testing in C++ and Java. While I will be using some of the examples from the Refinitiv Real-time SDKs,  the notes below should be applicable to general C++ and Java development.

I will start with:

IntelliSense for appsettings.json Files

As announced by Microsoft recently, we can use IntelliSense with appsettings.json files.

What Are appsettings.json Files?

Common settings of the application are generally stored in appsetting.json files. These files are separated on the basis of environments.

GitHub Satellite 2020: Gone Remote, but Not Forgotten

Like so many events this year, GitHub's annual state of the union and feature announcement event went online. However, as I typically watch the keynotes from a satellite meetup in Berlin anyway, it wasn't that different for me this year. As this period of online-first events progresses, organizers and presenters are finding new ways to make the format work, and Satellite was no different. It kicked off with a live-coded DJ set from Sam Aaron, followed by a slightly awkward staged entrance from CEO Nat Friedman where he pretended to be eating his breakfast and to have forgotten about the keynote. Still, humor helps us through these dark times, and it wasn't too awkward.

Anyway, on to the announcements; there were a lot, and a handful were significant.

13 Useful VS Code Extensions for Frontend Development

Visual Studio Code continues to be a widely popular IDE for developers. I started using it two years ago, and in my opinion, it’s a fantastic code editor. It allows me to customize it just the way I want. VS Code also has a build-in git integration and terminal, so you don’t have to jump from one window to another.

There are tones of plugins and even themes, where everyone can find something that he or she needs. The proper setup of VSC can improve our productivity; also, there are some plugins that will help developers to create better, clean code.

Login With Facebook and Google Using Angular 8

In this article, we will learn the step-by-step process of allowing users to log in to an application with Facebook and Gmail using Angular 8. Login with Facebook and Google makes it safe and easy for users to use applications. When a user clicks on the Login button with Facebook or Gmail, the user is navigated to Facebook or Google to give the app permission. In response, the user receives a Token key and other personal details. We will use the angular6-social-login Angular library in the demo.

You may also like: OAuth 2 Access Token Usage Strategies for Multiple Resources (APIs): Part 1.


This article covers the following:  

How to Set Up Visual Studio Code for Python Testing and Development

Learn more about using VS Code for Python testing and development

VS Code is an open-source, light-weight IDE that is gaining popularity due to its flexibility, ability to configure different programming languages, and cross-platform support. The following tutorial will walk you through how to set up a development and test environment in Python.

  • Download VS Code here
  • Install Python and configure your environment if you haven’t done so already
Interested in VS Code for Java development? Check out Visual Studio Code for Java: The Ultimate Guide 2019.

We will cover the following topics:

Visual Studio Code for Java: the Ultimate Guide 2019

Visual Studio Code has come a long way to become the preferred text editor of polyglot developers. Javascript, TypeScript, Go, Python, and other languages have a massive amount of developers coding through VS Code, in part thanks to the huge ecosystem of extensions that enhance and enrich the experience in VS Code, turning it into a super smart text editor with IDE-ish capabilities while remaining ludicrously fast and lightweight.

Unsurprisingly, VS Code can do Java as well, and many Java champions and speakers have chosen it for their on-stage appearances and live demos.