Thunderhead Speeds Quality Delivery With Applitools

Thunderhead is the recognized global leader in the Customer Journey Orchestration and Analytics market. The ONE Engagement Hub helps global brands build customer engagement in the era of digital transformation.

Thunderhead provides its users with great insights into customer behavior. To continue to improve user experience with their highly-visual web application, Thunderhead develops continuously. How does Thunderhead keep this visual user experience working well? A key component is Applitools.

Best Practices for Testing Drupal Websites — Automated Visual Testing

Drupal is an open-source content management system used to build websites and applications. Drupal has great standard features, like easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security. But what sets it apart is its flexibility; modularity is one of its core principles. Its tools help you build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences need. In this article, we'll show you how to effectively test Drupal websites and applications using cutting edge vision-based technology.

Why Do People Prefer Drupal Over Other Open Source CMS's?

  • Reliability and scalability
  • Security
  • Easing out the complexity of the site
  • It is multilingual
  • Flexibility of Drupal
  • Easy for SEO

Refer for more information on above.

Visual Testing With Appium, Applitools, and Amazon Device Farm

Visual UI testing is more than just testing your app on Desktop browsers and Mobile emulators. In fact, you can do more with Visual UI testing to run your tests over physical mobile devices.

Visual UI testing compares the visually-rendered output of an application against itself in older iterations. Users call this type of test version checking. Some users apply visual testing for cross-browser tests. They run the same software version across different target devices/operating systems/browsers/viewports. For either purpose, we need a testing solution that has high accuracy, speed, and works with a range of browsers and devices. For these reasons, we chose Applitools.

Exit The Test Maintenance Road to Nowhere Through Visual AI

On the Test Maintenance Road to Nowhere? Your Visual AI Exit Is Just Ahead.

Congrats! You just spent hours authoring new tests. They all passed 100% of the time. Now you can start the real work of managing quality. That is until the application under test starts to change. Now, the potential for instability in code-based assertions surfaces, and your maintenance nightmare ensues.