Understanding Docker Concepts

Hey guys,

As a fresher, I faced a lot of challenges understanding docker concepts like how docker containers work and what they actually are. But as I grew and practiced Docker and its concepts I understood their actual meaning and how they form and how they actually are managed. Through this above video, I have tried my level best to give it a try to make you guys understand what docker container actually means and some basic docker command to shoot. Please avoid the audio quality as I made the entire video with minimum equipment. 

Top 5 HCI Myths Busted

Despite being utilized by thousands of IT professionals, several persistent myths surround hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) that cause confusion and misconceptions among those who have an HCI solution deployed. These are five of the most prevalent myths debunked.

Myth #1 — HCI Is Too Expensive

The acquisition price of an HCI solution varies by vendor and often by the brand of hypervisor used in the solution, and while it can often be the case that purchasing the individual components needed to create a virtualization infrastructure, it may be less expensive than purchasing an HCI solution. That is only part of the cost of the solution. The true and total cost of infrastructure goes far beyond the initial purchase.

A Brief Guide to Kubernetes and Containers

A guide to Kubernetes, containerization, and virtualization.

Kubernetes is a platform for orchestrating containers and services, launched by Google in 2014. The key feature is that it naturally handles containers for you, monitors their availability and uses currently available computing capacity.

The Principle of Containerization

Containers are favored by developers around the world, mainly by addressing the shortcomings of classic virtualization.

Scratching the Surface of Data Virtualization

What Is Data Virtualization?

Data Virtualization is an advanced approach to data integration. It is an easier way to integrate, federate, and transform data from multiple data sources into a single, unified environment in real-time. With Data Virtualization, you’re not just collecting different data sources (such as ETL, ESB, and other middleware) but connecting them and leveraging existing Data Warehouse, Big Data lakes, or different data infrastructures already in place.

Therefore, Data Virtualization has the ability to provide a holistic view of business operations and quickly help identify new value possibilities.  Please note, the data can easily be accessed or shared by other applications, without replicating the data through the “virtual” metadata layer.

Running Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube on Windows (Part 2)

Check out this second installment on running Spring Boot apps on Kubernetes and Windows.

Welcome to part two of "Running Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube On Windows." This article assumes that reader has previous knowledge around Spring Boot, containers, and Kubernetes. I will briefly try to touch upon all of them a little bit. After finishing both articles, the reader will be able to do the following:

1.    Create a Spring Boot application

Docker Explained – An Introductory Guide To Docker

Say hello to Docker.

Docker has gained immense popularity in this fast-growing IT world. Organizations are continuously adopting Docker in their production environment. I take this opportunity to explain Docker in the most simple way. In this blog, the following Docker concepts will be covered:

Key Capabilities to Choose the Best Service Virtualization Tool For Your Team

A modern technology that helps teams simulate dependent services that are out of your control for testing, service virtualization is a key enabler to any test automation project. 

By creating stable and predictable test environments with service virtualization, your test automation will be reliable and accurate, but there are several different approaches and tools available on the market. What should you look for in a service virtualization solution to make sure that you’re maximizing your return on investment?