Vim Creator Bram Moolenaar Interview


We had a great talk with Bram Moolenaar, a Dutch computer programmer and an active member of the open-source software community. Bram is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a vi-derivative text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users.

Enjoy the full interview below!

7 Coding Tools That Will Maximize Your Effectiveness

When learning to code, developers-to-be are usually taught to code vanilla software. In the workplace, however, developers use many tools to speed up their coding. Common tasks like testing, running various scripts, and programming environment control are just a few examples of when an extra tool comes in handy.

The trouble is, there are many of these tools on the market, and it’s hard to know which are best. It often takes years of trial and error to discover which tools are the most helpful. To save you that effort, we asked some experienced developers about the tools that have helped them become better coders and maximize their efficiency on the job.

Get Started With Vim

This is the tutorial I wish I had around some years ago when I first tried to learn how to use Vim. If you’re just beginning to know this amazing text editor, please keep reading; I am writing this tutorial right for you!

Whether you prefer to code in a simple steps editor or in a full-fledged IDE, the fact remains that a console-based text mode editor can be an invaluable tool for many purposes, from coding to remote system administration. VIM (Vi IMproved) is the most common version of a classic UNIX text editor named vi, which is currently available on almost any platform. It’s one of the most useful and complex console tools you can find, and also one you can make use right away, no matter what you do for a living (everyone needs to write something, right?).

Customize Shell on Mac OSX

Get the shell layout you deserve

If you're an active Mac user that spends a good amount of time using shell, you may have noticed that the OSX Shell by default is bear bone and not very productive to use on a daily bases.

The question is, how we can make OSX shell more productive?