How We Use a Video Membership Site to Grow Our Email List

Our WPBeginner video site is a membership community where we offer free WordPress courses to our readers.

Many of you have asked how we benefit from offering these free resources.

Our main goal is to help users learn WordPress and bridge the knowledge gap. Our secondary goal is to promote our business by growing our email list.

In this article, we will show you how we use a video membership site to grow our email list, which helps us reach more customers and grow our business.

Growing email list with a video membership website

Note: This article is part of our WPBeginner Insider series, where we talk about the products we use to grow our business. WPBeginner Insider is published every other Thursday.

Here is a list of topics we will cover in this article:

Why Make a Video Membership Website?

Videos are the most engaging form of content, and building a membership community around videos helps us leverage that user engagement.

In fact, users are more likely to follow a video course online than other interactive training and educational materials.

The motivation behind offering free WordPress video courses on WPBeginner is to bridge the knowledge gap and help beginners learn WordPress for free.

Here is how Syed Balkhi, Founder and CEO of WPBeginner, puts it:

I am tired of self-proclaimed “blogging experts” charging hundreds of dollars to teach how to use WordPress. I believe basic education like this should be FREE. I created WPBeginner to offer users what I wish I had when starting out.

Syed Balkhi – Founder & CEO of WPBeginner

The following are some of the benefits of running a membership website.

  • Building authority in your niche – A membership community helps you establish your brand as an authority in the industry.
  • Make money online – We don’t monetize WPBeginner videos because we believe basic education like this should be free. However, you can replicate our strategy and monetize your membership site to generate recurring revenue for your business.
  • Build an Email List – A membership community can be used to build an email list and capture leads to grow your business.

Online membership subscriptions are a multi-billion dollar industry expected to be worth $1.5 trillion by 2025.

Plus, more than 48% of people do not mind paying a subscription fee to access exclusive content. (Source: Creator Economy Statistics)

You can use our video membership site marketing playbook to build a successful membership website and generate recurring revenue for your business.

How Does Our Video Membership Site Work?

As we explained earlier, we believe basic WordPress education should be free. That’s our main motivation behind WPBeginner’s video membership site.

Users simply visit the WPBeginner Videos website. From here, they can browse individual videos from our YouTube channel or sign up for our free WordPress courses.

WPBeginner's WordPress courses

After creating their free account, they will get access to all our WordPress courses. In return, we add users to our email list, where they get subscribed to our weekly WPBeginner newsletter.

These courses are designed to be comprehensive and well-structured. Users can follow them at their own pace. And they can move on to a different course at any time.

That said, let’s take a detailed look at how we use our membership site to grow our email list.

1. Build Authority With a Video Membership Website

We use MemberPress for our video membership website. It is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market that makes it very easy to build a subscription-based membership community online.


It also has a built-in LMS (learning management system), which allows you to easily create and sell courses online.

Why Do We Use MemberPress?

  • It is incredibly easy to use and set up. This is important because we didn’t want to spend too much time managing software instead of creating content.
  • It comes with MemberPress Courses, which allows us to easily add and manage courses.
  • Courses are presented to the users in an easy-to-follow layout. This was important for us because our users are mostly beginners.
  • It integrates with other tools and services like email marketing services, contact form plugins, top WordPress page builders, and more.

Adding Courses in MemberPress

Adding courses in MemberPress is quite easy. You can create a curriculum with sections and lessons, add quizzes to your courses, and more.

Creating courses in MemberPress

Another feature that many course creators may find useful is the ability to drip content instead of just giving it all at once.

Access Control for Subscribers Only

As a membership plugin, MemberPress lets us restrict courses behind a free membership plan (you can add paid subscriptions, too).

MemberPress access control

Users are required to sign up and then log in to access these courses. Users are then added to our mailing list to receive weekly WPBeginner updates.

Free but premium subscriber-only content helps us build a loyal following of users. It also establishes the WPBeginner brand as a go-to resource for all things WordPress.

2. Build an Email List With a Loyal Following

At WPBeginner, we use Drip for email marketing.

One of the top reasons we switched from Mailchimp to Drip was its automation features and integrations with other WordPress plugins and tools.

Drip website

Why Do We Use Drip?

  • Drip offers powerful automation features that help marketers create workflows for better user engagement.
  • You can personalize emails based on user data and activity on your site. When this personalization is combined with automation, emails become more relevant, meaningful, and beneficial for customers.
  • User segmentation allows you to target users based on the data they share and their activity on your site.

Adding Video Membership Subscribers to Drip

MemberPress comes with integrations for all top email marketing companies, including Drip.

MemberPress Drip integration

This allows you to automatically add users to your Drip email list when they sign up.

Optionally, you can use tags to segment video membership site users. This helps you target those users with personalized messages and on-boarding emails.

3. Convert Visitors Into Leads With a High-Converting Signup Page

MemberPress does a fantastic job of displaying courses. However, we still needed to create landing pages for our video membership website.

We have an in-house design team and developers, so we can afford a custom theme that matches our brand’s design and style.

If you’d rather design the page by yourself, we recommend using a WordPress page builder plugin like SeedProd.


Why Do We Recommend SeedProd?

  • SeedProd comes with an intuitive page builder, which makes it incredibly easy to create custom, on-demand landing pages.
  • It also includes many landing page designs optimized for conversion and sales. Just replace it with your text and images, and you are good to go.
  • You can easily add registration, user login, and sign-up forms. Plus, it works with major email marketing platforms, helping you easily add users to your email list.
  • SeedProd works regardless of which WordPress theme you are using. It can even be used to create custom WordPress themes without writing any code.

Transform Your Pages into a Lead-Generating Machine

We use landing pages for different sections of the video membership website.

For example, on the default landing page, we showcase videos from our YouTube channel.

WPBeginner video membership site homepage

These videos are always publicly available on the WPBeginner YouTube channel.

However, showcasing them here provides users with free content immediately. Users can watch the videos without leaving the page.

There are also calls to action on the landing page to join WPBeginner Academy (our course subscription).

WPBeginner video membership call to action

Clicking on the sign-up button takes users to our sign-up page. Now, if you have run an eCommerce business, then you might already be familiar with abandoned carts.

Many users leave at this point before signing up. To convince them to join our video membership site, this page showcases testimonials and course features, along with a sign-up form.

This allows us to further explain the benefits of our online videos and convince people to sign up for these free resources.

For more information, you can see our guide to the anatomy of a high-converting landing page.

WPBeginner video site sign up page

4. Craft Unique Sign-Up and Login Forms for Enhanced User Interaction

As a website administrator, you will need to provide a seamless and coherent user experience throughout your website.

WordPress themes don’t come with sign-up or login forms by default. This can hurt the user experience as forms across your website will not be consistent.

We use WPForms to create custom sign-up and login forms for our video membership site. It is the best WordPress form builder on the market and allows you to create all types of forms for your site, including login and sign-up forms.


Why Do We Use WPForms?

  • It is easy and creates beautiful forms that look great on all devices.
  • It lets us create custom login and registration forms, which we use on our video membership sign-up landing page and the login screen.
  • It supports the biggest email services, allowing us to easily add emails to Drip (the email marketing platform we use).

How We Use WPForms?

We use a custom sign-up form made with WPForms on our sign-up landing page.

For details on how to do this, you can see our tutorial on how to create a custom user registration form in WordPress.

Custom sign-up form created with WPForms

We also use a custom login form on the login page for our video membership site.

We created this page using block editor and WPForms. However, you can also create custom login pages with SeedProd.

WPBeginner video site login form

5. Use Bonus Tools to Generate More Leads on a Membership Website

Apart from the technology stack we mentioned above, you can use the following tools to boost new sign-ups further.

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster website

OptinMonster is the best lead generation software on the market. It allows you to nudge users into signing up with beautiful marketing campaigns like lightbox popups, slide-in popups, countdown timers, sticky header/footer, and more.

Related: See our case study for more methods we use to grow our email list.

2. PushEngage

PushEngage website

PushEngage is a push notification software that allows you to send custom messages to user browsers regardless of which device they are using.

It has powerful personalization and targeting rules, allowing you to create personalized messages that are more effective. This enables you to target users once they have left your website and prompt them to return.

Case Study: In an earlier WPBeginner Insider article, we shared how we use push notifications to grow return traffic.

3. Smash Balloon


A video membership website helps you build a loyal following, which you can then send to your social media accounts to boost your followers.

Smash Balloon helps you bring your socials to your WordPress site. We use it on our community tab to showcase our X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube posts. It also works with Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

For more details, you can see our tutorial on how to add your social media feeds to WordPress.

4. All in One SEO for WordPress

All in One SEO website

All in One SEO for WordPress is the best WordPress SEO plugin with the most comprehensive SEO toolkit for WordPress websites.

Apart from the usual SEO tools, it has advanced XML sitemaps, a redirect manager, comprehensive schema markup support, Link Assistant, search stats, and more. (See more AIOSEO features).

We use it across our entire website, including our video membership website, to improve our SEO and get more traffic from search engines.

Related: How to double your SEO traffic in 6 months (with case studies).

5. MonsterInsights


All your marketing efforts need to be properly tracked to monitor their success and make data-driven decisions. Otherwise, you won’t know if your strategies are actually helping you get more signups to your membership site.

We use MonsterInsights for that. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and helps you track site visitors. It helps you track conversions, which lets you measure the success of your video membership site, email forms, landing pages, and more.

MonsterInsights even allows you to track the customer journey on membership websites if you are using MemberPress. This lets you see the steps that users take to sign up on your video membership site and use that information to get more signups.

We hope this article helped you learn about using membership websites to grow your email list and your business. You may also want to see these proven tips to grow your business online and our ultimate guide on how to make a membership site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How We Use a Video Membership Site to Grow Our Email List first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Create a Video Membership Site in WordPress

Do you want to make a video membership site?

A video membership website allows you to create subscription plans for your video content. Instead of relying on ads, you can let your users pay directly to watch your video content.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a video membership site in WordPress with step by step instructions.

Making a video membership website in WordPress

What Do You Need to Start a Video Membership Website?

Making a video membership website these days is quite easy.

Using WordPress as your website platform gives you access to all the tools you’ll need to make a custom video membership website.

Here is what you’ll need to get started:

  1. A domain name. This will be your website’s address (e.g.
  2. A website hosting account. This where all your website files will be stored.
  3. A membership addon to create subscription plans and restrict access to paid content.
  4. A video hosting platform so that you can securely deliver videos only to paid subscribers.

Basically, you can create a fully functional video membership website in less than 60 minutes, and we’ll walk you through every step of the way.

Below are the steps that we will cover to help you make a powerful membership website with WordPress.

  1. Getting Started with a Video Membership Website
  2. Choosing a Video Membership Addon
  3. Setting Up Your Video Membership Website
  4. Adding Payment Methods
  5. Creating Subscription Plans
  6. Creating Access Rules
  7. Creating Members Only Content
  8. Uploading Your Members-Only Videos
  9. Create a Pricing Page for Video Subscriptions
  10. Create Sign up and Login Forms
  11. Edit Outgoing Email Templates
  12. Growth Hacking a Video Membership Website

Ready? Let’s get started.

Step 1. Getting Started with a Video Membership Website

The easiest way to build a video membership website is by using WordPress. It is the best website builder on the market and allows you to create any kind of website imaginable.

Before you get started, you’ll need to make sure you are using the right type of WordPress. There are two kind of WordPress on the market.

First, there is which is a website hosting service. Then, there is also known as self-hosted WordPress. For details, see our comparison of vs

We’ll be using self-hosted as it gives you complete freedom and instant access to all WordPress features out of the box.

For a self-hosted WordPress website you’ll need a domain name and a website hosting account.

A domain name typically costs about $14.99 per year and web hosting plans start from $7.99 per month.

If you are just starting out, then you would want to cut costs whenever possible without compromising your business.

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer WPBeginner users a generous discount on hosting with a free domain. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies on the market and they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Once you have signed up for your hosting account, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you. You can simply login to your WordPress dashboard directly from your hosting account.

Login to your WordPress dashboard

If you need more help, see our WordPress installation tutorial or follow our step by step guide on how to start a blog.

Step 2. Choosing a WordPress Video Membership Addon

There are several WordPress membership addons that allow you to create a membership website. However, each one of them has their own pros and cons.

For more details, see our full comparison of the best WordPress membership plugins.

Before you choose a membership addon, first, you need to choose what kind of video membership site you want to make.

For instance, if you just want users to register and be able to download a few small videos, then you can do that with WPForms. It comes with support for popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.

Plus, you can redirect users to download a file or to any URL once they have submitted a form.

However, if you want proper access control, subscription plans, multi-level subscriptions, and more, then you’ll need a complete WordPress video membership addon like MemberPress.

MemberPress website

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market. It allows you to accept payments, create membership levels, restrict access to video pages based on levels, and more.

You can also use it to sell courses online. Plus, if you choose to host your videos on AWS (more on this later), then MemberPress comes with an extension to host your video files on the cloud.

Basically, it has all the features you’ll need to run a video membership website and integrates with all the tools that you may want to use to grow your business.

Step 3. Setting Up Your WordPress Video Membership Website

We’ll be using MemberPress to set up a video membership website in WordPress.

First, you need to install and activate the MemberPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the MemberPress » Settings page to configure the plugin settings.

MemberPress settings

We’ll walk you through the most important settings to configure in the next few steps.

Step 4. Adding Payment Methods

The settings page is divided into different tabs. The first thing you need to set up is a payment gateway, because it allows you to accept payments on your membership site.

Setup payments method

Out of the box, MemberPress supports PayPal (Standard, Express, and Pro), Stripe, and You simply need to select the payment method you want to set up and provide the required credentials.

Optionally, you can also choose to add multiple payment methods. For instance, you can add Stripe and then add PayPal for users who prefer not to share their credit card details.

After adding payment methods, don’t forget to click on the Update Options button to save your settings before moving on to the next step.

Step 5. Creating Subscription Plans for Video Membership Site

Next, you need to create different subscription levels that users can subscribe to.

For instance, you can create plans with different perks, access levels, and features. You can even create a free membership plan where users can watch demo videos and access free content.

To create a new membership plan, simply go to the MemberPress » Memberships page and click on the ‘Add New’ button at the top.

New membership plan

On the next screen, you need to provide a title for the membership plan and then add details in the post editor.

Next, you need to set the pricing, billing type, interval, and expiration for this plan under the ‘Membership Terms’ section in the right column.

Enter membership plan details

For instance, in the above screenshot, we created a video membership plan with recurring monthly payments.

Now, you need to scroll down to the Membership Options box below the editor. From here, you can customize plan permissions and membership options.

Configure plan options

After you are satisfied with the plan, you can go ahead and publish it.

If you want to create more membership levels, then simply repeat the process to create other membership plans as needed.

Step 6. Create Access Rules for Video Membership Plans

Now that you have set up membership levels, the next step is to set up access rules.

MemberPress comes with powerful access control rules, which allow you to restrict access to any content on your website based on a user’s membership plan.

To set up rules, simply head over to the MemberPress » Rules page and click on the Add New button to create a new rule.

Add new rule

The rule edit page allows you to select different conditions and associate them to any membership plan.

For instance, you can select all content that matches a particular tag or category to be available only to members with the Plus plan.

Setting up access rules

You can also target specific posts and pages, a specific URL, and more.

Setting Up Drip Content Rules

MemberPress also comes with a drip content feature. This allows you to automatically give users access to your videos on a schedule, instead of giving them access to all premium content as soon as they sign up.

The drip content feature allows you to keep users engaged for longer, which provides you opportunities to upsell more products or simply offer users a better experience.

For instance, you can create a separate rule for posts with a specific tag to be available one week after a user registers.

Drip content

Once you are satisfied with the Rules settings, you can go ahead and click on the Save Rule button to apply it.

Feel free to create more rules for your video membership plans as needed.

Step 7. Adding Members-Only Content in MemberPress

MemberPress makes it very easy to add members-only content to your website.

First, you will need to create a post or page where you will be adding your video and restrict access to that page as needed.

After that, we will show you how to embed members-only videos with privacy and security, so that they are not easily stolen from your website.

To get started, simply create a new post or page in WordPress and then add the tag or category that you previously added as a rule in Step 6.

Restrict content in MemberPress

When it’s ready, you can simply go ahead and publish your restricted post or page.

Step 8. Uploading Members-Only Videos in MemberPress

One of the major challenges that video subscription websites face is how to offer the best viewing experience with full control on who has access to paid videos.

We strongly recommend that you do not just upload videos to your WordPress media library and add them to your posts and pages.

First, it is not secure or private. Secondly, video files take a lot of bandwidth, storage, and server resources, which will slow down or even crash your website.

For more on this topic, see our article on why you should never upload videos in WordPress.

We recommend two possible solutions that will work reliably for your video membership website: Vimeo or AWS.

Method 1. Embedding Members-Only Videos via Vimeo

The first one is Vimeo. Their paid plans give you greater privacy controls to easily embed videos on your membership website.

With Vimeo Plus you can:

  • Make your videos private
  • Make videos unavailable on Vimeo itself. You can still upload and manage videos from your Vimeo dashboard, but others cannot view them on Vimeo.
  • Set domain level restriction so your members-only videos can only be embedded and played on your own website.
  • Password protect videos
  • and more.
Vimeo pricing

Apart from privacy and security features, Vimeo also offers a much better streaming experience for your users.

Embedding Vimeo videos in your members-only website is super easy. You only need to copy and paste the video URL in your content and WordPress will automatically fetch and embed it.

Embedding Vimeo video in WordPress

Method 2. Upload Members-Only Videos via AWS

For this method, you’ll be hosting your videos on Amazon’s AWS platform. This allows you to only programmatically give MemberPress access to your video files which are stored on Amazon cloud servers.

Note: Amazon Web Services is a pay-as-you-go service. They have a limited free tier, then after that, you’ll be charged for bandwidth and storage used by your videos.

First, you need to visit the Amazon Web Services (AWS) website and sign up for an account.

Sign up for AWS account

AWS comes with a bunch of cloud services that you can use. For a video membership website, we’ll be using Amazon S3 cloud storage to host our video files.

Simply click on the Services menu at the top and then look for S3.

Add Amazon S3 service to your account

This will bring you to the S3 cloud storage dashboard. S3 cloud storage is organized in buckets. You can create multiple buckets for each of your websites or projects.

Let’s create a bucket to store our members-only video files.

Create bucket for your video files

On the next screen, you need to provide a name for your bucket and choose a region.

Make sure that your bucket name is in lowercase only and that you use a region close to most of your users.

Bucket settings

You can leave the rest of the settings as they are and click on the ‘Create Bucket’ button to continue.

AWS will now create a bucket where you can upload files. Simply click on your bucket name to open it and click on the Upload button to add your first video.

Upload your video files

Repeat the process if you need to upload more files right now or later in the future.

Once you have uploaded video files to AWS, they are not publicly visible. To do that, you will need to generate security credentials first.

Simply click on your Account title at the top right corner of the screen and then select ‘Security Credentials’.

Generating security credentials

On the next screen, click on the Access Keys tab to expand it. From here, you need to click on the ‘Create New Access Key’ button to generate new keys.

Generate new access keys

This will bring up a popup where you need to click on the Show Access Keys link and then copy your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Copy your access keys

Copy and paste both keys to a text file as you’ll need them later.

Next, switch to the admin area of your WordPress website and go to the MemberPress » Add-ons page.

From here, you need to scroll down to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and click on the Install Add-on button.

MemberPress AWS Add-on

After that, you need to connect MemberPress to your AWS account.

Simply go to the MemberPress » Settings page and switch to the AWS tab.

Configure AWS

Here, you need to copy paste the Access and Secret Keys you copied earlier.

Below that, check the box next to the V4 Signature option and then select your AWS region. This is the same region that you choose when setting up your S3 Bucket.

Don’t forget to click on the Update Options button to save your settings.

Adding AWS Hosted Videos to Your WordPress Site

Now that you have connected MemberPress to your AWS account, you can go ahead and add your videos to your members-only posts and pages.

You will need to embed video using a shortcode like this:

[mepr-s3-video src=”demoincvids/video-tutorial-001.mp4″]

You’ll simply need to replace the part in quotes, which is the video’s location.

You can find your video’s location in the S3 dashboard for your Amazon AWS account. Simply click on your bucket and then the file name and you’ll see file location.

File location in your S3 storage

After adding the shortcode, you can save your post or page and preview it to see your video embed in action.

AWS video embed preview

Repeat the process to add more members-only videos to your website.

Step 9. Create a Pricing Page for Your Membership Plans

Now if you have multiple plans, then you may want to create a pricing page where users can compare and choose a plan.

Users who try to access the restricted or paid areas of your website will also be redirected to your pricing page.

You can configure this by going to MemberPress » Groups page and clicking on the Add New button at the top.

MemberPress groups

On the next screen, you need to provide a title for your pricing page. It will also be used in your group pricing page URL.

Below that, you need to choose which plans you want to include.

Add memberships to your pricing group

You can also select a theme for the pricing table. MemberPress comes with few ready-made templates for that.

Once satisfied, click on the ‘Publish’ button to make your plan publicly visible.

To preview your pricing page, click on the ‘View Group’ link after publishing it.

Pricing page example

Redirecing Users to Your Membership Plans Page

Now that you have created a pricing page, you would want to automatically redirect users to compare plans and make a purchase.

To do that, first you need to visit MemberPress » Groups page and copy the URL next to the group you created earlier.

Copy your plan URL

After that, go to MemberPress » Settings page and switch to the Pages tab. From here, you need to scroll down to the ‘Unauthorized Access’ section.

You need to check the box next to ‘Redirect unauthorized visitors to a specific URL’ option and then paste the group URL you copied earlier.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Update Options’ button to save your settings.

Now unauthorized users will be redirected to the pricing plans page when they try to access your members-only content or videos.

Step 10. Create Login and Sign Up Forms for Your Video Membership Site

Now that everything is set up, let’s allow users to easily login to their accounts or signup.

MemberPress makes it very easy to add login forms to your website. Simply go to the Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘MemberPress login’ widget to a sidebar.

MemberPress login widget

Don’t forget to click on the Update button to save your widget settings.

Next, let’s add a link to the pricing page to your website’s navigation menu.

Simply go to the Appearance » Menus page and click on the Groups tab to expand it. Select your pricing plan group you created earlier and then click on the Add to Menu button.

Link to Pricing page

Don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your changes.

You can now log out of the admin area and visit your website to see everything in action.

Video membership site preview

Step 11. Customizing Email Templates for Your Membership Site

Your video membership website will send users emails when they sign up or forget a password, when their membership is about to expire, and so on.

You can customize these email templates in MemberPress.

Simply go to the MemberPress » Settings page and switch to the Emails tab. From here, you’ll see the list of emails your video membership site will send, and you can edit any of them.

Edit emails

This will open the email template in a plain text editor. You can use smart tags below to personalize messages and match them to your own brand’s tone and messaging.

Email template

Important: Don’t forget to send test emails to make sure they are working. For more help, see our guide on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.

Step 12. Growing Your Video Membership Website

Now that your video membership site is ready, let’s talk about how to get more users to visit your website and sign up.

Luckily, using MemberPress and WordPress gives you access to incredibly powerful tools to grow your business.

  1. OptinMonster – It is the best lead generation and conversion optimization tool on the market and allows you to easily convert website visitors into paid subscribers.
  2. All in One SEO – It is the best WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your videos and entire website for search engines without any technical skills.
  3. SeedProd – The best WordPress page builder plugin to easily create beautiful custom landing pages for your video membership website.
  4. WPForms – It is the best WordPress form builder on the market and allows you to create contact forms, login and sign up forms, user registration forms, and more.
  5. MonsterInsights – Allows you to easily track your website performance using Google Analytics. It shows beginner friendly reports to see your top content and track conversions to boost sales.

Need more recommendations? See our list of the must-have WordPress plugins for all websites.

We hope this article helped you build a video membership website in WordPress. You may also want to see these tips on improving WordPress speed and our tested hacks to grow an online business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Video Membership Site in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.