The Battle Of New Industry Standards: Is WebRTC Making Zoom Redundant?

In the last couple of years, the way people and businesses communicate and collaborate has changed significantly. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, video conference calls evolved as the go-to way for business communication. A Gartner report confirms, by 2024, only 25% of meetings will take place in person, down from 60% today (source).  Marketsandmarkets, a leading tech consulting firm, also confirms this trend, it says that the global video conferencing market size will grow to the tune of US$ 22.5 billion by 2026 with a 19.7% CAGR growth rate (source). However, this also intensified the clash for dominance between different between Zoom and WebRTC based tech players.

To cater to the growing needs for new-age video conferencing solutions, there is an increased focus on new industry standards. As a result, WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) has become the latest web standard. Integrating real-time communication capabilities through the web browser, WebRTC makes click-to-start meetings possible without downloading any dedicated app or plug-in. Moreover, it has taken over the conventional approach of using proprietary signaling and infrastructure as deployed by platforms like Zoom to battle over standards and codecs in the early phase. Let us examine how WebRTC does this.

The Most Comprehensive Guide on WebRTC

WebRTC or Web Real-Time Communications, though a relatively new web technology, has taken web-based communication at an entirely new level with the promise of heralding into a brave new world of communication on the horizon. The free, open-source WebRTC project makes use of a set of JavaScript APIs to facilitate peer-to-peer communication between web browsers and different devices. The question remains what makes it so popular.

A big draw with WebRTC is it eliminates the use of plugins or third-party software to facilitate real-time communication, helping achieve the ultimate goal of moving in a plugin-free world.

How To Embed Video Calls API On Your Own Website and App

How Video Calling Will Change the Future of Business

If the latest video calling trends are anything to go by, the future of business is set to be revolutionized by video calling. It simplifies a lot of processes that were once considered doable only face to face or with an individual’s physical presence. Today, a lot of these processes have been taken online, leaving top talents free to pursue higher-level achievements and goals.

Presenting to You the Prebuilt

Following our announcement on launching the pre-built in the previous blog, we are excited to deliver the manual for the same. This blog will get the readers up and running with the pre-built in no time.

Effective Computing: How Does It Work Along With Some Use Cases

What did you feel while seeing the price tag of a product in a supermarket? You may not realize it, but machines can read these incredibly nuanced subtilities of human expressions, and retailers can use it to their advantage. A device loaded with a specific software program can predict whether a person is smiling out of frustration or joy. Human-computer interaction has gone beyond the realms of sci-fi fantasies and turned into reality. The rise of emotionally aware machines has blurred the human-machine divide, and it is now redefining the way people experience technology.

What Is Affective Computing? 

Emotion AI, also known as Affective Computing, is all about how AI can decode the emotional status of a human being by analyzing their facial expressions, such as head motion, facial distortions, movement of jaws, and speech pattern, etc. It detects, recognizes, and emulates human emotions through a programmed AI neural network. Without a doubt, humans can analyze and interpret complex emotional signals better. However, the gap is narrowing faster than you can imagine, thanks to advancements in big data capability and powerful algorithms.  

How to Resize a Video in Java

With the vast genres of online media platforms, like social media, online video sites, and more, there are more opportunities than ever before to share your products and content globally. With websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, and apps like Snapchat and Instagram, your organization’s reach can grow exponentially by advertising to or interacting with audiences with varying demographic profiles. Furthermore, making video content that is easily accessible to your users for topics like tutorials, best practices, or news updates creates a user-friendly, passive way for your audience to learn more about you, where classic news articles often require more in-depth reading.  

With these sites, however, often the formatting for video sharing changes from one platform to the next. This may not be an issue if your content does not need to maintain a specific aspect ratio to convey your message. However, if you have formatted your video in a specific way to meet the needs of a genre or desired look, resizing your video while preserving its original aspect ratio will allow you to transfer it between platforms without losing quality or aesthetic value.