Verification and Validation in Testing


You are at the right place! This is not a free vocabulary-building class but a critical evaluation of a much sought-after debate around verification and validation in the software testing world. Why do we need to know the difference between Verification and Validation? Even though they sound just about the same, they carry different meanings depending on what you intend to do as a tester/developer in the software development and testing process. They both go hand in hand while solving a problem. However, there is a lot of confusion around the meaning of these two words concerning software testing. While there may be many definitions of these terms in various fields on the internet, here we will look at these terms in the testing space and analyze both of these terms in detail.

Verification vs Validation

Software testing is a vast field. It involves various methods and processes proposed to solve different software testing issues. Verification and Validation are also a part of the same group in software testing. It is also known as a V-Model (Verification and Validation model) in the context of software development and testing.

Validate or Verify: What Should Your Tests Actually Be Doing?

An overlooked challenge in updating your software testing strategy is simply understanding how effective existing testing is, making it hard to troubleshoot gaps or outdated practices. Understanding the distinctions between testing for validation and testing for verification can help your team build confidence and optimize software testing.

Validation and Verification: A Quick Intro 

Developers commonly divide software testing philosophies into a couple of major areas. Yes, there are more than just two families in the taxonomy of software testing strategies, but these essential classifications offer a tried-and-true starting point. 

Checklist for API Verification

Microservices are a designer's way to address the complexity of applications in today's world. Verification and Deployment of these applications are however lost in the implementation as the same thought the process is very rarely communicated in the Real-world. 

A web application that could be decomposed into Model-View-Controller architecture has morphed to the world of Unstructured Data<->Microservice<->Frontend. The ability to have a configurable backend(datastore as opposed to a DB) and a Flexible Frontend places Microservice API as a premier source of data interchange. 

What Is Continuous Authentication?

Technology users today are spoiled when it comes to the types of devices and the variety of platforms they can use to stay connected to work and social groups. They can access their accounts from anywhere and at any time — as long as they can authenticate their identities.

However, the process of authentication as we know it has remained largely static. The user provides a system with their credentials at the time of access, the system matches it against its database of user data. Then the system provides the user access to the network credentials are successfully validated.

Blockchain to Revolutionize Banking Sector

The banking sector forms the backbone of any economy. With the technology innovations making way into the arena, the banking sector has been moving away from traditional methods. It has shown steady acceptance of modern age banking methods for the faster and more dependable outcome. On the other hand, blockchain technology has gained popularity on a large scale since its introduction in 2008. This development has presented the impending benefits of blockchain technology in the banking sector in terms of transparency and security.

Concerns Related to Present Day Banking

One of the primary aspects of the banking sector is security. Though in India, with more than 90 percent of the transactions are performed in cash, digital channels are increasingly popular nowadays. This has increased the scenario for cybercrime. Cyber attacks are prominent in recent times. The massive data breach of over 3 million debit and credit cards that occurred around 2 years back has shown the prominent security gaps in the banking segment. Another area of concern is the increased occurrence of fraudulent transactions. Reports and sources reveal that there has been approximately a 20 percent increase in bank fraud cases over the past five years.

Verifying Infrastructure, Using Ansible With Very Little Knowledge of It


Ansible has been a popular tool for verifying Linux-based infrastructure environment. Usage of the standup module makes it extremely easy as it demands very little knowledge of Ansible itself.

An infrastructure environment, whether it is provisioned in a public cloud or private cloud or built using bare-metal machines in a data center, would need some amount of verification before deploying applications, however ephemeral the life of infrastructure would be. Typically, such verifications are needed during various stages of provisioning and configuring a cluster of machines, and, later when that cluster is available as the infrastructure for running software systems.