Are You Getting What You Need from Your UI Testing Tool?

UI testing has had an upswing in activity in the last few years. New and exciting tools have entered the market, bringing all sorts of innovative approaches to make it simple to do what has traditionally been a pretty complicated process.

Back in the day, we only had big-box solutions like the IBM Rational Suite or Mercury/HP/MicroFocus QTP/UFT. Now we're seeing a lot of people moving away from the "traditional" test automation tools towards open source alternatives, like Selenium, or new innovative AI-powered solutions or frameworks, like mabl, Selenic, or Functionize. This shift is causing lots of hype, but it is also rooted in addressing common complaints and challenges, that you need to make sure to address if you're adopting a new tool.

The Open Cloud for The Future

When cloud computing emerged, the question on many organization leaders' minds was whether to adopt it at all. Eventually, the question became not whether, but when. Now it’s which cloud tools and platforms to use—and how to ensure they work together seamlessly and securely. One of the great opportunities of the recent movements in technology is the ability to combine and integrate different tools, services, and cloud platforms. We are entering a future marked by openness and interoperability: According to recent research, 82 percent of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy, running applications in an average of 1.5 public clouds and 1.7 private clouds, and IDC predicts increasing adoption of hybrid cloud architectures. That’s good news for businesses. Open architectures protect companies from vendor lock-in, add critical redundancies, and enable IT leaders to tap the best solutions to meet their unique business needs without arbitrary constraints that impede progress.

The Cloud was built to help companies succeed in this open, multi-cloud world. Our commitment to openness ensures seamless user experiences across multiple environments and empowers our customers to choose the right tools and platforms to meet their business needs.