How Bitset Enables the Versatility of Vector Search

Various new essential features of a vector database are provided together with the release of Milvus 2.0. Among the new features, Time Travel, attribute filtering, and delete operations are correlated as these three features are achieved by one common mechanism: bitset.

Therefore, this article aims to clarify the concept of bitset in Milvus and explain how it works to support delete operations, Time Travel, and attribute filtering with three examples.

Inside Milvus 1.1.0

Milvus is an ongoing open-source software (OSS) project focused on building the world's fastest and most reliable vector database. New features inside Milvus v1.1.0 are the first of many updates to come, thanks to long-term support from the open-source community and sponsorship from Zilliz. This blog article covers the new features, improvements, and bug fixes included with Milvus v1.1.0.

New Features

Like any OSS project, Milvus is a perpetual work in progress. We strive to listen to our users and the open-source community to prioritize the features that matter most. The latest update, Milvus v1.1.0, offers the following new features:

Detecting Viruses in Real-Time at Scale

Cybersecurity remains a persistent threat to both individuals and businesses, with data privacy concerns increasing for 86% of companies in 2020 and just 23% of consumers believing their personal data is very secure. As malware becomes steadily more omnipresent and sophisticated, a proactive approach to threat detection has become essential. Trend Micro is a global leader in hybrid cloud security, network defense, small business security, and endpoint security. To protect Android devices from viruses, the company built Trend Micro Mobile Security — a mobile app that compares APKs (Android Application Package) from the Google Play Store to a database of known malware. The virus detection system works as follows:

  • External APKs (Android application package) from the Google Play Store are crawled.
  • Known malware is converted into vectors and stored in Milvus.
  • New APKs are also converted into vectors, then compared to the malware database using similarity search.
  • If an APK vector is similar to any of the malware vectors, the app provides users with detailed information about the virus and its threat level.

To work, the system has to perform a highly efficient similarity search on massive vector datasets in real-time. Initially, Trend Micro used MySQL. However, as its business expanded so did the number of APKs with nefarious code stored in its database. The company’s algorithm team began searching for alternative vector similarity search solutions after quickly outgrowing MySQL.

Operationalize AI at Scale With Software 2.0, MLOps, and Milvus

Building machine learning (ML) applications is a complex and iterative process. As more companies realize the untapped potential of unstructured data, the demand for AI-powered data processing and analytics will continue to rise. Without effective machine learning operations, or MLOps, most ML application investments will wither on the vine. Research has found that as little as 5% of the AI adoptions companies plan to deploy actually reach deployment. Many organizations incur "model debt," where changes in market conditions, and failure to adapt to them, result in unrealized investments in models that linger unrefreshed (or worse, never get deployed at all).

This article explains MLOps, a systemic approach to AI model life cycle management, and how the open-source vector data management platform Milvus can be used to operationalize AI at scale.

How Milvus Implements Dynamic Data Update and Query

Milvus is an open-source vector similarity search engine powered by approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) algorithms such as Faiss, NMSLIB, and Annoy. 

To make a vector search more intuitive and convenient, we introduced TableFile and metadata in Milvus.