Laravel Validation and Custom Rules

Hi, I’m Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder, and CTO at Inspector.

Data validation is one of the fundamental features of any application and it is something developers manipulate almost every day. The value a software provides to users is often a function of the quality of data it is able to manage. Laravel ships with a lot of predefined validation rules you can immediately use in your controllers. 

How to Validate and Geocode a Street Address in Java

When working with location services, it is important that the information you collect is accurate for your users or clients. This will prevent any mistakes in shipping, billing, and many other aspects of operations that rely on correct location information. For businesses that have applications using location services, this is especially important as any incorrect data can mean the displacement of goods or interrupted services.

The following APIs will allow you to fully validate street addresses by first parsing address data input and then verifying and normalizing the information. The last two APIs will also allow you to geocode and reverse geocode an address to receive more accurate location data for your applications.

How to Validate and Geolocate an IP Address in Java

An IP Address is used as a unique identifier for network-connected hardware such as computers and smartphonesThese contain four sets of numbers that differentiate each device when it accesses network services such as the internetThis information can be very useful for businesses with websites, as they can verify their user’s various IP Addresses to gather important client-specific and audience information for various purposes.  

Some of the most important usages for IP Addresses is threat tracking and user data such as identifying Tor servers and providing location information that can assist with security and user-experience needs. The following four APIs are centered around these functions and can be used separately or in tandem. This will allow you to ensure the security of your site, as well as providing data that can help optimize your platforms for users.