Did We Build The Right Thing? That’s What UAT Is About.

There are reasons to give key stakeholders the opportunity to officially sign off on a new software release. We need some formal approval from the people who commissioned it, or at least their delegates. This last stage prior to release is commonly called the user-acceptance test and executed in a UAT environment. It’s an indispensable stage, but treating it as the final step in testing is problematic for several reasons. 

Let me start with a car example. Dealerships are generous with free test drives for the same reason that clothing stores let your try on three different shirts. It’s to let the endowment effect do its dirty work: wearing (or driving) something feels more like you already own it. It's to get a taste for the look and feel, and a catalyst for closing the deal. It's not about really testing the vehicle -- they expect it back unscratched. Toyota doesn’t need their customers taking an active part in their QA process. 

Here’s How You Can Kickstart Your Career in UI/UX Design

Before beginning, let us first understand what UX is. 

UX (User Experience) can be said to be a process design team that is used for the creation of products that provide users with meaningful and relevant experiences. The acquiring and integration of the product is a complete process that includes types of branding, design of the product, usefulness, function, and successful accomplishment of this entire process is fully dependent on the design. 

Difference Between Manual And Automation Testing

The most arduously-debated topic in software testing industry is whether manual testing or automation testing are better. Although automation testing is more popular, and is slowly dominating the testing domain, the importance of manual testing cannot be ignored. Human instinct cannot be replaced by a machine (at least not until we make some real headway in AI). In this article, we shall give both debating sides some fuel for discussion. We are gonna dive a little on deeper differences between manual testing and automation testing.

Time Consumption and Cost to the Company

In a project where the content is large and the testing phase runs for quite a long time, automation testing is the perfect choice.