Moderated vs Unmoderated Usability Testing: Which One Is Best for You?

When it comes to usability testing, there are two main methods to choose from: moderated and unmoderated. But what is usability testing, and which of the two design techniques should you use?

Comparing moderated vs unmoderated usability testing is important when you’re planning the customer’s entire journey on your website or application. You need to make sure that your interface is intuitive, your buttons are in the right place, and even your copywriting is on point. 

Is There a Difference Between Usability and Accessibility Testing?

Today, every business wants to deliver high-quality, easy to use and accessible applications to all sections of society. Delivering seamlessly accessible apps to one and all is not only a requirement for all businesses but is also societal responsibility that should be taken care of.  

To ensure inclusivity to differently-abled populations of the society, every socially responsible organization should deliver applications and products that are accessible to one and all, including people with visual, hearing, cognitive, and motor limitations. The apps should also be user-friendly and must deliver a great UX. This is where accessibility testing and usability testing comes into the picture. Let us now try to understand both of these testing types in more detail in the form of a detailed comparison.

Exploratory Testing: A Guide Toward Better Test Coverage

Exploratory testing is a black box testing technique which gives testers the freedom to think outside-the-box with a minimal dependency on pre-designed answers and checklists in order to improve the quality of an application. Exploratory testing is a detailed series of testing conducted by exploring the platform, designing test cases, executing those test cases, and measuring the results. The rule of thumb for exploratory testing is minimum planning and maximum execution

Exploratory testing is a crucial aspect of software testing as it is not a script-based test – it involves the art of being creative and productive. Nowadays, this type of testing is preferable as it doesn’t define a fixed set of methodologies which a tester has to follow. The tester is completely free to follow their own path, to play with an application, and to identify potential bugs. This is actually a process that simultaneously carries out the activities of test design and test execution without formally documenting the test cases and test conditions.

Why Usability Testing Is So Important

Usability testing is software black-box testing that helps you check if the product is easy to learn, easy to understand, and intuitive. Testers examine the ease with which the user interfaces work. We test whether the application or the product is user-friendly or not.

Usability testing is a method of testing and observing the behavior of the users to find out what works and what doesn't work. Users perform specific tasks and the process observers observe body language and emotions. Observers also encourage users to speak while testing and using the application. Through this process, we can get qualitative and quantitative data and figure out usability issues with a product.

The Ultimate Website Testing Checklist Before Going Live

Website testing.

We know the excitement when it comes to launching your first web site. After working hard on the stunning design, user interface, and engaging content, you cannot wait to share it with the audience. Are you sure your website is completely ready to launch? Aren’t you missing anything in it?

You may also like: Web Testing Challenges Testers Will Encounter in 2019

Most individuals often make their site live in a hurry without checking some essential factors, and later on, receive negative feedback from the users. It’s necessary to understand that launching a website is critical, as you can easily miss out on essential steps.

Top 5 Challenges of (Web) UI Testing

Figuring out the best ways to implement UI testing.

The software and its demand are increasing year over year with no predictable end in sight. Top companies are even responding high in the rat race with more productive and prompt means to deliver exceptional applications like scaling Agile and accepting DevOps. Many invest in resources to transform Development and Operations in terms of training, coaching, and tooling. Testing is typically an afterthought — until it becomes clear that the testing status quo is creating a bottleneck.

3 Key Metrics to Identify the Usability of Your Product

Is your app usable? Really? Did you check the metrics?

"Is your product usable enough to release now?" is the most difficult question to be answered when not backed up by usability metrics. Before understanding the key metrics of usability, though, we need to understand what usability is in the first place.

Per ISO standards (ISO 9241-11), usability is defined as:

Top 8 Usability Testing Methods

When people are using your product or service, testing is very vital. Over the years, companies have to spend a lot of money and resources so that they can improve the different aspects of their products and services. In today’s competitive market it is very important that you know about your skills and be a master in implementing them. 

If you are trying to become a successful tester in your career then you must have some important skills and knowledge about usability testing methods. There are several such methods which you can follow, and in this article, we have brought you the eight best methods of usability testing for you. Let us have a look at them!