Designing Search (part 3): Keeping on track

In the previous post we looked at techniques to help us create and articulate more effective queries. From auto-complete for lookup tasks to auto-suggest for exploratory search, these simple techniques can often make the difference between success and failure.

But occasionally things do go wrong. Sometimes our information journey is more complex than we’d anticipated, and we find ourselves straying off the ideal course. Worse still, in our determination to pursue our original goal, we may overlook other, more productive directions, leaving us endlessly finessing a flawed strategy. Sometimes we are in too deep to turn around and start again.

Designing Human-Targeted Random IDs

Designing Human-Targeted Random IDs

NOTE: We don't deal here with technical IDs used as primary keys in relational databases. See my previous article here if you seek a great way to generate them.


During one of my recent projects, I have been asked to design a scheme of IDs highly usable by humans. The business requirement was mainly to create pseudo-random values that can't be inferred or guessed in order to be used as a secret token printed on some official documents for future controls.

What is UX Design?

Picture this: you’re about to enter a building in your neighborhood. This could be an office building, a market, a library. Your cell phone buzzes in your pocket, and you’re a bit distracted as you approach the front door. You...

The post What is UX Design? appeared first on Treehouse Blog.

3 Key Metrics to Identify the Usability of Your Product

Is your app usable? Really? Did you check the metrics?

"Is your product usable enough to release now?" is the most difficult question to be answered when not backed up by usability metrics. Before understanding the key metrics of usability, though, we need to understand what usability is in the first place.

Per ISO standards (ISO 9241-11), usability is defined as: