Upload Files to Google Cloud Storage with Python

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud-based services just like AWS from Amazon and Azure from Microsoft. AWS dominates the market with Azure but Google's not far behind. Google Cloud Platform or GCP is the third largest cloud computing platform in the world, with a share of 9% closely followed by Alibaba Cloud. 

Amazon undoubtedly leads the market with a share of 33% but GCP is showing tremendous spike with the growth rate of whooping 83% in 2019. GCP leads AWS on the cost front, though. Google has a lesser number of services to offer but maintains its position as one of the most cost-effective cloud platform. 

Upload and Retrieve Files/Images Using Spring Boot, Angular, and MySQL

In this tutorial, we will be selecting an image using Angular 8 UI. This image will then be sent to the Spring Boot backend by making a REST call. Later this image will be stored in a MySQL database. We will also later retrieve the saved image and display it using Angular.

Store Image in MYSQL Using Spring Boot and Angular 8

Retrieve Image From MYSQL using Spring Boot and Angular 8

This tutorial is explained in the below Youtube Video.

Upload Files Using ASP.NET Web API and React.js

File Upload Using ASP.NET Web API and React.js


In this tutorial, we will learn how to upload files, images or videos using ASP.NET Web API and React.js. React.js is an open-source JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces, particularly for SPA. It is also used for controlling the view layer for web and mobile applications.