Wiggle Room Is Key to Meeting Deadlines, Research Suggests

Your inner child will be thrilled to learn that you really can wiggle your way to success at work.

The old business trope posits that no plan survives contact with the enemy, and so most goals should have sufficient flex built into them to reflect the uncertainty inherent in them.

And now, research from the University of Michigan highlights how accepting this uncertainty can result in more successful outcomes for the project.

Bayesian Learning for Machine Learning: Introduction to Bayesian Learning (Part 1)

In this article, I will provide a basic introduction to Bayesian learning and explore topics such as frequentist statistics, the drawbacks of the frequentist method, Bayes's theorem (introduced with an example), and the differences between the frequentist and Bayesian methods using the coin flip experiment as the example.

To begin, let's try to answer this question: what is the frequentist method?