Modern Functional Test Automation Through Visual AI

Which looks better, #1 or #2?
"I am confident that once you give this functional test automation approach a try, you will rethink your entire current code-based approach." — Raja Rao, Head of Test Automation University

In this webinar, you'll see the modern, intelligent way of doing web and mobile testing. Specifically, functional, end-to-end UI testing.

The analogy is a gasoline car versus an electric car: both are cars, both need tires, seats, breaks, etc... but the core engine that moves the car is different - which makes a huge difference.

Are You Getting What You Need from Your UI Testing Tool?

UI testing has had an upswing in activity in the last few years. New and exciting tools have entered the market, bringing all sorts of innovative approaches to make it simple to do what has traditionally been a pretty complicated process.

Back in the day, we only had big-box solutions like the IBM Rational Suite or Mercury/HP/MicroFocus QTP/UFT. Now we're seeing a lot of people moving away from the "traditional" test automation tools towards open source alternatives, like Selenium, or new innovative AI-powered solutions or frameworks, like mabl, Selenic, or Functionize. This shift is causing lots of hype, but it is also rooted in addressing common complaints and challenges, that you need to make sure to address if you're adopting a new tool.

A Micro-Manifesto on API Testing to Inspire and Recharge Your Organization

In this post, Software Development Technologies CEO Ed Kit decrees it's time for everyone, everywhere, to accept the need for API testing and provides us with 13 tips of inspiration to build the energy to get it done.

How can API Testing breathe life back into your organization?

After 25 years of leading many software engineering projects at small and large Fortune 200 companies, I have come to a major realization. Application Program Interface (API) testing is more important than User Interface (UI) testing. In manifesto terms, API testing over UI testing. This is not to diminish the value of UI testing — I simply wish to inspire you to value the item on the left (API testing) more!

Top 8 Usability Testing Methods

When people are using your product or service, testing is very vital. Over the years, companies have to spend a lot of money and resources so that they can improve the different aspects of their products and services. In today’s competitive market it is very important that you know about your skills and be a master in implementing them. 

If you are trying to become a successful tester in your career then you must have some important skills and knowledge about usability testing methods. There are several such methods which you can follow, and in this article, we have brought you the eight best methods of usability testing for you. Let us have a look at them!

Automated Testing on UI: Is it Really Worth the Effort?

During engineering and software development, testing is considered an essential aspect of development. However, some developers don’t consider it vital, especially if they have limited time.

This has led to a lot of debate asking if automated testing of UI is essential or not. Well, developers have varying opinions, but if we see it objectively, we believe that automated testing is essential for the following reasons: