Demo: How to Build a No-Code to-Do App With UI Builder

With "no-code" tools, anyone can build a mobile or web app faster than ever before. In this step-by-step demo of Backendless UI Builder, we walk you through the creation of a fully Codeless To-Do app.

The Backendless UI Builder is one of our favorite features in Version 6. UI Builder is a no-code, drag-and-drop interface for building the frontend of your app. Whether your app is mobile, web, or both, you can design for all platforms. 

Five Handy JavaScript Uploaders to Keep in Mind

Let these uploaders lend you a hand

Managing file uploads from both the client and server sides can turn into an utter nightmare. We have selected five JavaScript file uploading libraries to make your work life easier. Take a look at their features, advantages, and pricing plans to choose the one that fits best for your project.


uppy demo

Build a Countries List with Telerik UI for WinForms

RadDomainUpDown in Telerik UI for WinForms is a combination of a text-box and a pair of moving up and down buttons to navigate through a limited selection of options. This control may save you some screen space since it occupies the space needed for a standard text-box. However, in addition, it allows the end user to select one of a variety of several items.

A common use-case is to build an input form for filling personal information. One of the required fields is the nationality. RadDomainUpDown is suitable for introducing the countries options if you don't want to allocate a lot of space on the form.