The UX Files: Accessibility

Our topic focuses on a very important principle that helps break critical usability barriers, making software more sensible and inclusive. Yet often it gets overlooked. Sit back as we open the file and unravel the mysteries on: Accessibility.

#include <all_users>

An accessible user interface provides usability for people who interact with software differently, be it by preference or impairment. There are users that prefer to use keyboard-based navigation because they find it optimal. On the other hand, there are users that, due to certain conditions, find it hard to properly control a pointing device.

Design Implementation With App Development


We’ve all been there when we have to manually redline our designs so developers know exactly what our perfect designs are actually showing; we have even tried sending over source files for our devs to use when implementing. But isn’t there a better way of sending over detailed design information? 

There are ways we can make markups easier and a way of disseminating this information quicker and more efficiently. This is of the utmost importance; if a developer doesn’t have all the information in front of them they will not spend precious time digging around for important information, a good handoff is a detailed project with information to hand or directly on top of the designs for quick implementation.