Redux Toolkit With Typescript: How to Get Started

If you're a React developer, chances are you already know how complicated it can get when working with global/shared states. Nonetheless, nowadays, there are two main ways to use this concept: 

  • Redux
  • Context API.

It is essential to highlight that a learning curve is necessary to use both of these approaches in the best way possible. This view is based on the fact that its high complexity and verbosity come into focus whenever Redux is mentioned. This is even more pronounced when it comes to using Redux with Typescript.

Wrapping React Components Inside Custom Elements

This week I had the pleasure of speaking in the ReactNext 2019 conference. My talk was called “I’m with Web Components and Web Components are with Me” and it was all about consuming Web Components in React apps and wrapping React components with custom elements. In this post, I’ll explain the second part and why you might want to do it. When the talk video will be available online, I’ll embed it in this post.

React and Web Components

In React documentation there is a section about React and Web Components. In that section, it is mentioned that React and Web Components are complementary to each other. While React is a view engine that is responsible for keeping the DOM in sync with the app's data, Web Components provide strong encapsulation for the creation of reusable HTML components. But in the real world most of the companies that I consult for don't use the two options together and why is that?

How to Use TypeScript With Node.js

The lion's share of JavaScript developers prefer to use TypeScript in their projects as it helps avoid some problems at the assembly stage while still including many valuable features. Today we are going to share with you how to use the Backendless JS-SDK in conjunction with TypeScript in a project with a Node.js backend. Backendless is a fully isomorphic library and it can be used in both a browser environment and a Node.js backend environment and in most cases it also works well in other environments like React Native, Appcelerator, etc. The JS-SDK has been designed as a plain JavaScript library, but a few years ago we added types definitions for all methods and classes, so you can use the JS-SDK in your TypeScript projects without additional settings.

Create a Simple Web Server

At this stage, we will create a simple Node.js app. To do so, you must have Node.js installed on your machine; if you don't have it yet, you can install the language from their official site at this link: