Apache Kafka and MQTT (Part 4 of 5) – Mobility Services and Transportation

Apache Kafka and MQTT are a perfect combination for many IoT use cases. This blog series covers the pros and cons of both technologies. Various use cases across industries, including connected vehicles, manufacturing, mobility services, and smart city are explored. The examples use different architectures, including lightweight edge scenarios, hybrid integrations, and serverless cloud solutions. This post is part four: Mobility Services and Transportation.

Apache Kafka + MQTT Blog Series

Apache Kafka in the Airline, Aviation and Travel Industry

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events, as well as the ever-changing expectations of consumers. Coronavirus is just a piece of the challenge. This post explores use cases, architectures, and references for Apache Kafka in the aviation industry, including airlines, airports, global distribution systems (GDS), aircraft manufacturers, and more. Kafka was relevant pre-covid and will become even more important post-covid.

Airlines and Aviation are Changing — Beyond Covid-19!

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events. These months have been particularly testing one due to the global pandemic with Covid-19. But the upcoming change is coming not just due to the Coronavirus but because of the ever-changing expectations of consumers.

Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) With Apache Kafka

Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) with Apache Kafka for Transportation and Logistics

Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) enables identifying and tracking the location of objects or people in real-time. It is used everywhere in transportation and logistics across industries. A postmodern RTLS requires open architecture and high scalability. This blog post explores the use cases for RTLS, the challenges of existing implementations, and why more and more RTLS implementations rely on Apache Kafka as an open, scalable, and reliable event streaming platform.

Real-Time Locating / Tracking System (RTLS) in Supply Chain and Logistics

RTLS is a key part of many use cases across verticals. Many manufacturing processes and supply chains rely on good real-time information of assets and people. But also, other innovative scenarios could not exist without RTLS. For instance, think about ride-sharing, car-sharing, or food delivery.