RAML Tutorials for Beginners and Experts [Videos]

What Is RAML?

RAML is Rest API Modeling Language, based on YAML, for describing your APIs. It is basically used to describe your API, which can be easily readable by humans and computers. It basically focuses on describing your API resources, methods, parameters, media types, etc.

Here is a video tutorial explaining how to write basic RAML.

Are You a Team Player?

If I were to guess, I have probably worked on approximately 100 projects since I started my career in Information Technology in 1992. Without a doubt, my current project is certainly the most complicated and challenging project of that I've ever had. It has been so complex, that I feel like I need to provide a strong background when interviewing new team members for the project.

The Matrix Metaphor

During those interviews, I often recall the scene in the original Matrix movie —where Neo meets with Morpheus for the very first time. If you need a recap, I've attached the scene below:

PHP Traits for Interface Contract Testing

Interfaces, those neat artifacts created to represent contracts to be fulfilled by classes. When appropriately used, they’re a very powerful way to express the expectations a client class has on implementations. Yet, most languages lack the tools to express those aspects that you can’t see by looking at the method signatures.

What should a method return under certain circumstances? If condition X is met, should it throw an exception? If so, of what type? All those questions can be answered by writing good documentation, that’s true, but, what about enforcing those rules? And who writes good docs in a world where working code is more important than documented code? That’s where the documenting facet of unit tests come in handy.