Google Analytics 4: 7 Biggest Pitfalls of the Revamped GA

With the launch of Google Analytics 4, Google has delivered its biggest alteration to analytics in the company’s long and successful history. But with the removal of core features and a complex new interface, is GA4 really ready to start driving the growth of businesses?

The new system has been developed to unify the measurement of apps and websites and is intended to offer marketers a much deeper level of understanding regarding their campaign performance.

5 Kibana Visualizations To Spice Up Your Dashboard

If you work in any way that is adjacent to data, insight, and analytics, there’s a good chance you will at least have heard of Kibana. If you haven’t then there’s no better time to be jumping on the bandwagon.

An open-source app, Kibana caters perfectly to any enterprise that needs to incorporate data discovery, navigation, and visualization. So long is the list of features and benefits that it’s impossible to cover them all in a single article. Tools like Kibana Lens showcase this beautifully. 

5 Essential Test Metrics Every Company Can Use

Test metrics are essential in creating reports that accurately measure the success of your testing initiatives. With 23% or more of IT budgets being spent on testing, it is critical to know that your test suites are giving you what you think they are. Because of this, most companies have put some sort of test tracking in place, however, most companies struggle to find the right test metrics to ensure executive buy-in.

Before diving into what test metrics organizations should consider tracking to benchmark their testing efforts, it’s best to give thought to the overall test reporting strategy. Some basic questions to be answered should include:

Top Applications for IoT in the Food and Beverage Retail Industry

With the rise of hardware and software platforms to connect every object in the physical world to the Internet, IoT is a trend that has come a long way. It is molding how people interact with their environment and how they have come to rely on smartphones and the Internet to fulfill daily tasks and requirements. And similar to a lot of industries, it is also making its way into the food and beverages industry. IoT is making every aspect of the food industry smarter through a combination of IoT smart connected products gathering data throughout the supply chain and intelligent algorithms, converting them into smart insights. Let us take a look at some applications within the industry that are already transforming how we think about food manufacturing, processing, and safety.

1. Supply Chain Management, Traceability, and Product Recall

A combination of digital tags on everyday consumer products and tracking sensors on transportation facilities can enable manufacturers to keep track of their products at every stage within the supply chain, leading to more efficient and leaner supply chain operations. Zeroing on and connecting to the source of production to initiate product recalls in case of damaged goods becomes simpler and faster by connecting every item on a batch and serial level to the Internet. Brands can ensure ingredients for finished food products are all sourced ethically and responsibly while providing this information to their customers if individual ingredients are also hooked to the web. 

How Do Gantt Charts Make Project Managers’ Lives Easier?

Do you want to have a way to see how tasks are progressing? Want to see what roles are there in a project and how others depend on them? If you’ve always wanted a quick view of how far behind or ahead of schedule your project is, then it’s time for Gantt charts.

We believe that you might have already heard about Gantt charts considering their popularity in the project management domain. As a new project manager or team leader, it’s absolutely fair on your part to have some apprehensions about them.