10 Best Mind Mapping Software for IT Non-IT Businesses

Although there is a spike in Google Trends for Best Mind Mapping Software, I haven’t seen the programs’ actual application on the internet — that is just my observation. It does not imply that mind mapping software is not in demand. It’s just that some companies and individuals are still oblivious to their use. Instead, people rely on directly jumping on to plan to initiate, executing and deployment without giving the “brainstorming” element any thought.

Mind mapping makes brainstorming easier. It is like having your own “world’, a workspace where there are no constraints. All you have to do is visualize stuff, scribble down ideas, create flowcharts and do whatever it is necessary to set the cart in gear. Besides, mind maps are cool. You can understand the project’s underlying strategy long before it has even started.

Why Your Business Needs Agile Practices to Grow Rapidly

Agile has been one of the most popular methodologies for software from quite some time. By definition, Agile development refers to methodologies based on iterative development where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams.

Even in project management and business landscape, project managers and entrepreneurs are adopting the Agile methodology to improve the delivery of projects and services successfully without any complications and hassles.

Getting Started With Amazon’s New Well-Architected Tool

On the 29th November 2018, Amazon introduced the Well-Architected tool. With the help of this tool, AWS users can access their planned architectures vis-a-vis the latest AWS architecture best practices. In addition, AWS users can get guidance on improving their present application architectures. This tool is based on the increasingly popular Well-Architected framework which helps users build secure, high performance, resilient, and efficient AWS-based solutions. This tool provides a consistent approach for users to evaluate planned and existing architectures and provides guidance to help implement designs that scale in accordance with application needs.

Importantly, with the help of this tool users get insights on potential security risks and identify steps to address these risks via the Well-Architected framework. The tool guides the user through a series of question and answers covering different aspects of the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected framework (namely, operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization) and at the end gives you a set of recommendations for the architecture. The Well-Architected tool is freely available to all users but is only available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland).