7 Tools for Code Review Engineers – GitHub Edition

Code reviews are a fundamental part of the software development lifecycle, allowing you to identify bugs early. If you perform code reviews at your company, you can incorporate several tools to have a more robust development workflow and to make your job easier.

This blog post focuses on tools that can help you improve your code review GitHub workflow. Some can be integrated directly in GitHub, while others work as standalone desktop clients. Let’s check them out.

50+ Useful Kubernetes Tools List – Part 2

Last year, we provided a list of Kubernetes tools that proved so popular we have decided to curate another list of some useful additions for working with the platform—among which are many tools that we personally use here at Caylent. Check out the original tools list here in case you missed it.

According to a recent survey done by Stackrox, the dominance Kubernetes enjoys in the market continues to be reinforced, with 86% of respondents using it for container orchestration.

50+ Useful Kubernetes Tools

Updated September 2019

In the last few years, Kubernetes has laid waste to its fellow competitors in the battlefield of container orchestration. Sadly, Docker Swarm hasn’t been a major contender since 2016 and, like AWS, admitted defeat by pledging K8s support and integration. Since Kubernetes has skyrocketed to popularity as the container solution of choice, here’s a comprehensive list of all the tools that complement K8s to further enhance your development work.