Tomcat and TomEE Clustering Automation

Apache Tomcat is an open-source application server maintained by the Apache community. It is one of the most popular solutions for hosting Java applications due to its ease of use and lightweight yet versatile functionality. However, if you run the projects based on Jakarta EE 8 (or higher), you may be interested to use the TomEE server with built-in required enterprise technology that isn't found in Tomcat.

Due to the extreme popularity of these stacks globally and within Jelastic PaaS in particular, we've decided to share the tips on how to install automatically clustered Tomcat and TomEE servers to get a highly available solution that can efficiently serve a large number of users, process high traffic, and be reliable.

Packaging and Deploying Spring Boot Applications as WAR Files


This guide explains how to do the following:

Packaging a Maven-Based Spring Boot Application as a WAR File

To change the packaging in a Maven-based Spring Boot application that was generated using the Spring Initializr or Vaadin Start tools, make the following changes in the pom.xml file:

What Do We Know About Tomcat 9.0

Apache Tomcat is a very popular and preferred industry choice for web application development as a Servlet/JSP container. Apache Tomcat version 9.0 implements the Servlet 4.0 and Java Server Pages 2.3 specifications from the Java Community Process and includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services.

I take this opportunity to summarize some of the new features in Tomcat 9.0 and steps to keep in mind before upgrading from Tomcat 8.x to Tomcat 9.0.

Servlet 3.0 Async Support in Spring and Performance Misconceptions

It is possible to improve the performance of application servers using Servlet 3.0 async, but is it necessary?

Before We Start

Spring makes it easy to write Java applications. With Spring Boot, it became even easier. Spring Boot allows us to quickly create Spring applications: build and run a Java application server with embedded Tomcat and your own controller in less than 5 minutes. Well, I admit I used Spring Initializer for that: 

Build a Spring Boot App and Deploy Into Tomcat

Tomcat to the rescue

Deploying an application can be quite tedious because of the multiple steps that are involved. Today, I will show you how to simplify the process with Tomcat by building a web app and deploying it through the browser. 

For this tutorial, we will use: 

SAP Hybris Clusters on Redis

What Is SAP Hybris?

SAP Hybris is an e-commerce platform originally introduced in 1997. The Hybris software was acquired by the German multinational corporation SAP in 2013. In June 2018, the platform was rebranded as SAP Customer Experience in order to further integrate it under the SAP umbrella. Over the years, Hybris users have included major firms such as Adidas, Samsung, and Vodafone.

From a technical perspective, Hybris is a Java-based software application that uses a three-layer architecture including web, application, and database. It includes features such as web content management, customer service, product catalogs, and payment integrations.

How to Run Jython on Tomcat

A little something different this post, something a little closer to my day job, which is as a developer.

Here I will go through how to configure Jython to run under Tomcat. I have done this on an AWS instance, but because it is Java-based, it can be done on Windows and Mac just as easily. In fact, at work, I did this on Windows.

Customizing Docker Images

Back in the day, when I was beginning to work on public-facing projects, setting up a development environment was really tedious. You have to install all the required software’s on the host machine. Relocating a project from one host to another sometimes comes to be the real work.

Now, the trend seems to have been changed. Once you want to work on a project, you start setting up a virtual machine on a remote computer that your company provides or a local virtual machine (at least in my company people prefer to work on virtual machines). There are many benefits, but one that I use all the time is the ability to take a virtual machine from one host and run it on a different one. Other than that, the ability to have multiple operating systems is very valuable for both development and testing.

Spring Boot Magic Explained: Embedded Web Servers [Video]

As soon as you develop a web application with Spring Boot, you'll run an embedded web server like Tomcat or Jetty. Embedding these web servers serves as a prime example of how Spring Boot cleverly uses conditions, dependencies (Maven or Gradle), and a bit of code to produce magic that is hard to debug if you do not know what is going on. I highly recommended that you check out the video below if you want to deepen your Spring Boot knowledge.

In this short and practical episode, you will learn: