React Clean Code

Clean code is more than just working code. Clean code is easy to read, simple to understand, and neatly organized. In this article, we’ll look at eight ways we can write cleaner React code.

When going through these suggestions, it’s important to remember that’s exactly what they are: suggestions. If you disagree with any of them, that’s completely fine. However, these are practices that I’ve found helpful in writing my own React code.

Attention Is My Most Valuable Asset for Productivity as a Software Developer

Like a tightly written function, I prefer to exit early if no work should be done. So, if you disagree with these definitions and assumptions, now's a good time to stop reading.

  • Sustainable productivity: The maximum rate of quality work output, without loss to the wellbeing of the developer
  • Quality work: Software that meets requirements, is valuable to users, is maintainable, and is as bug-free as possible
  • Attention: The limited mental capacity to focus on a task
  • Sustainable productivity is desired
  • Attention is essential to sustainable productivity

My high-level workflow looks something like this: identify the problem to solve; think on the problem and let ideas percolate; research, discuss, and experiment with these ideas; implement and test the solution; deliver and maintain the solution.