How Cloud-Native and Kubernetes Make Application Development Easier

Cloud-native + Kubernetes

"Cloud" or “cloud computing" are becoming very common terms we hear while talking about current technology. As developers, we continue to experience the advantages of working with cloud applications. In cloud computing, another term that is emerging is cloud-native. Before we get into the actual topic, let us understand what cloud-native is all about.

Insight Into Cloud-Native Applications

Companies across the world now understand the difference a cloud application can make. Cloud-native applications are those which have evolved directly from the cloud revolution. In other words, developers build them within the cloud environment. 

Cost of Delay: Why You Should Care

Want to make money? Work smarter, and faster.

The real problem is this: Why should you care about how much a delayed release costs you? Maybe you have a “sweet spot” in the way you start your projects or release them. “It just takes that long here.” (That’s the sign of a system impediment.)

Now, let’s try to calculate that cost of delay.

Why Your Business Needs Agile Practices to Grow Rapidly

Agile has been one of the most popular methodologies for software from quite some time. By definition, Agile development refers to methodologies based on iterative development where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams.

Even in project management and business landscape, project managers and entrepreneurs are adopting the Agile methodology to improve the delivery of projects and services successfully without any complications and hassles.

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration or continuous delivery? Or both? It’s a question many IT teams are asking themselves. What are the key differences between each method and which will improve your processes so you deliver higher quality software to your end users in less time?

Both continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) embody the culture and principles of development in a fast-paced marketplace, speeding up and automating the software delivery lifecycle. And both share the same goal: make software development less dependent on manual tasks and releases more frequent, reliable and robust. With such overlap, CI and CD are not mutually exclusive. Yet, they are different as it relates to the scope of automation applied.