Alternate Column Scroll Animation

Grids are truly magical. There’s so many different kind of things we can do with them; layout-wise and scroll-wise. Some time ago, I came across Giulia Tonon’s amazing website. The unique design is enhanced by the exquisite motion of the columns: while scrolling, the middle column scrolls one way, while the outer ones scroll the other way.

This is something that I thought would be interesting to build upon using Locomotive Scroll and combine it with a little idea of flying grid items. Once we click on a grid item, it animates to the center of the screen while scaling up. The other grid items move to their respective positions in the row of thumbnails beneath the main image. This kind of animation is highly inspired by the work of Aristide Benoist who is the master of delicate view switching motions and unique layout animations.

This is the initial view:

When clicking on a image, we move it to the center and animate all other images in the viewport to the little thumbnail navigation:

And this is how all the motion flow looks like:

Please be aware that this experiment is mostly a mockup (no “real” thumbnail navigation for this one)!

I really hope you find this inspirational! Thank you for checking by!

The post Alternate Column Scroll Animation appeared first on Codrops.

Optimizing JPG and PNG Images for a Jekyll Website

This website has been text-oriented for a long time now. The decision to add article banners and thumbnails is a recent one. I stayed away from images for a long time since handling and optimizing images can be a PITA. I was glad to find that optipng, jpegoptim, and imagemagick already exist to solve this problem for me.

My plan is as follows:

Menu to Inner Page Animation with Image Grid Background

Today I have a little layout for you. The idea is to show a menu with a nice background grid of images and when choosing to explore a project, an animation happens where the images of the background grid fly away and an inner page shows.

This kind of layout is interesting for a photography portfolio or some other project presentation.

I hope you like this little layout and find it useful!

The post Menu to Inner Page Animation with Image Grid Background appeared first on Codrops.