Text Analysis Within a Full-Text Search Engine

Full-Text Search refers to techniques for searching text content within a document or a collection of documents that hold textual content. A Full-Text search engine examines all the textual content within documents as it tries to match a single search term or several terms, text analysis being a pivotal component.

You’ve probably heard of the most well-known Full-Text Search engine: Lucene with Elasticsearch built on top of it. Couchbase’s Full-Text Search (FTS) Engine is powered by Bleve, and this article will showcase the various ways to analyze text within this engine.

AI-Based Market Research: 10 Ways to Boost Consumer Insight

AI is perhaps the greatest success story of our generation. In the last few years, AI has made a giant leap from academic research to a household name. This astronomical change can be credited, in part, to the fantastic yarn spun around AI by Hollywood and the development of AI-based industry-changing technology. In a recent post, we discussed the in-depth applications of AI that have revolutionized the retail industry. This article aims to shed light on the dimensions of AI-driven transformation that has helped next-gen market researchers succeed.

ai based market research

Industries Touched by AI

Artificial Intelligence is a science that is truly industry agnostic. AI has improved industries that are completely unrelated to each other.

Text Mining 101: What it Is and How it Works

The modern world generates enormous amounts of data, and it is growing year by year. Data has become the most valuable managerial resource to provide a competitive edge and create knowledge management initiatives. Now manual data processing and classification has become costly and ineffective — and it has to be either automated entirely or used only when the important data is already selected automatically from the total quantity.

Text mining is essentially the automated process of deriving high-quality information from text. Its main difference from other types of data analysis is that the input data is not formalized in any way, which means it cannot be described with a simple mathematical function.