How To Install TestNG In Eclipse: Step By Step Guide

As you already know, TestNG or Test Next Generation is one of the most frequently used automation testing frameworks in Java. Inspired by JUnit and NUnit, Cedric Beust created TestNG with the idea of covering almost all types of testing models, be it functional or end-to-end. The annotations, functionalities, usability, features, and ease-of-use make TestNG a very popular choice of framework. Listed below are some of the major benefits of using TestNG-

  • The reporting feature provides a detailed XML report of every successful, failed, or skipped test.

TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver With Examples

There are different interfaces provided by Java that allow you to modify TestNG behavior. These interfaces are further known as TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver. TestNG Listeners also allow you to customize the tests logs or report according to your project requirements. TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver are modules that listen to certain events and keep track of test execution while performing some action at every stage of test execution.

This is a TestNG tutorial, where I will help you realize the different TestNG listeners with examples so you can use them proficiently the next time you plan to work with TestNG and Selenium.

A Complete Guide For Your First TestNG Automation Script

The love of automation testers, TestNG, is a Java testing framework that can be used to drive a Selenium automation script. When it comes to automation, no one can compete with Selenium. If you are planning to dive into the field of automation testing, TestNG can be right for you.

For a beginner, it can be difficult to determine a good starting point, so in this blog, we have come up with a step-by-step method to assist you in getting started with your first automation test script.