Selenium WebDriver and TestNG: Find Perfect Match for Automation Testing

Me looking for the perfect match for automation testing.

The manual testing process has been replaced by automated testing during recent years. Selenium automation testing increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the testers and allows them to leverage various benefits at the same time.

It has gained massive popularity among developers, as it is an open-source tool it provides enormous support to the developers. Many organizations are adopting this favorite testing tool as it provides more accuracy and efficiency to them. 

How to Automate Appium Java Tests In Parallel Using TestNG

Automate Appium Java Tests In Parallel

The beauty of Appium for mobile testing is that its tests can be written in any programming language including Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and C#. While we have covered extensive Appium tutorials, in this article, we'll walk through how to automate Appium tests in parallel against our real devices using TestNG Java sample tests.

You may also like: How to Run a Selenium Test With TestNG

What Is and Why to Use TestNG?

TestNG, where NG denotes Next Generation, is an automated testing framework that is inspired by both JUnit and NUnit.

How to Make Simple End-To-End Tests With JavaTea

Although automated testing is an effective way to validate web applications, creating automated tests is time-consuming and maintaining the tests is painful. End-to-end testing is especially complex and taking time to execute.

To make it easier, this article proposes to use JavaTea, which is an end-to-end functional automation framework. It is built on Selenium WebDriver but it allows you to describe tests with less code compared to Selenium. The following three topics are focused in this article:

Custom Framework Listeners

In my past articles, I’ve written about using custom listeners as part of getting the desired reporting or making your tests do what you want. I’ve always referred offhandedly to these listeners, never paying them direct attention. I figured it was finally time to actually write a full-fledged post about listeners and some useful tricks.

What Is a Listener?

Most testing frameworks (JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, Robot…) have what they call a ‘listener.’ This is a class with methods that runs before or after your tests and has hooks into reporting and logging. It works within the framework to identify what passes, what fails, and maybe even why. Sometimes, these also include how and when tests are executed. Understanding how these listeners work can add additional insight into how your tests run. Understanding how these listeners can be modified can allow you greater control over your tests.

A Complete Guide For Your First TestNG Automation Script

The love of automation testers, TestNG, is a Java testing framework that can be used to drive a Selenium automation script. When it comes to automation, no one can compete with Selenium. If you are planning to dive into the field of automation testing, TestNG can be right for you.

For a beginner, it can be difficult to determine a good starting point, so in this blog, we have come up with a step-by-step method to assist you in getting started with your first automation test script.