What Is Agile Process in Testing: A Short Guide

In today’s fast-paced software world, quick delivery of the product is often not an option but a necessity. Building software also requires a high level of flexibility in responding to the constantly changing market trends and customers’ demands. The problem is that with traditional project management, a quick change of plans inevitably leads to higher costs or longer project duration. Luckily there are agile methods that allow us to avoid such pitfalls. This refers not only to software development but also to testing processes.

What Is Agile Testing?

Agile in software development is an approach that focuses on the people performing their work and their cooperation aimed at delivering the right product to the customer. It is an iterative development process that creates requirements through constant collaboration between the client and cross-functional self-organizing teams. Agile testing is a practice that follows the rules of agile development and helps create solutions tailored to customer needs.

The Difference Between Black Box And White Box Testing

Do you know the difference?

Software testing is an essential activity in the software development process. Without testing, you’ll end up with a buggy product that doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do — a lemon. Black box testing and white box testing are two different types of software testing strategies, that are equally powerful, and even better when combined.

We’ll explore each, in turn, to see how it helps to shape a successful, performant end product.