What Is Test-Driven Development and Why It’s Important

One of the most essential steps of any software development project is testing. If this process is skipped, the results may be disastrous – both for the project and for the company. But when should software undergo testing? It seems logical to test the project when it is completed. However, the power of the classic test procedure is limited. Overengineering, rigid design, testability issues – are just a few problems you may face if you write the code first and test the implementation later. Luckily, there is a way to tackle such challenges and it is called – Test-driven development.

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Enterprise-Grade QA on a Budget

We operate in a continuous delivery world in which a seamless customer experience is paramount. Regardless of whether you're a global Fortune 500 organization or a fast-growing startup, failing to deliver a digital experience that delights your users is a critical mistake you can't afford to make.

A chief challenge compounding today's continuous delivery expectation is the growing amount of testing that has to be carried out. In the not-too-distant past, companies controlled all of their software, available on a single platform to a similar type of user with one uniform release cycle. Today's landscape is vastly different, with websites and apps relying on a mix of modules and services under the control of various vendors, all with independent release cycles, in a heterogeneous platform environment with a wide range of user types.

What Should Developers Test?

Where Should We Draw the Line Between QA and Developer?

At a recent QA strategy meeting, one of our team members brought up that she had been writing unit tests for her team. She asked if any other test engineers were writing unit tests.

Everyone shook their head no.