Website Accessibility Testing Checklist

Accessibility Testing is a software testing technique that checks if a website or app is easily usable by every user on the internet, including individuals with disabilities or special needs. Often considered a sub-category of usability testing, it ensures that specific, unchangeable conditions do not prevent a person from accessing online resources as easily as anyone else. 

Accessibility testing is significant and should be included in testing pipelines for two significant reasons:

The Ultimate Website Testing Checklist Before Going Live

Website testing.

We know the excitement when it comes to launching your first web site. After working hard on the stunning design, user interface, and engaging content, you cannot wait to share it with the audience. Are you sure your website is completely ready to launch? Aren’t you missing anything in it?

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Most individuals often make their site live in a hurry without checking some essential factors, and later on, receive negative feedback from the users. It’s necessary to understand that launching a website is critical, as you can easily miss out on essential steps.

Cross-Browser Testing: Best Practices and Useful Resources

Wine testing...browser testing...what's the difference?

In the earlier days of web development, executing cross-browser testing used to be very easy. There used to be only a few limited browsers, each browser had limited versions in usage, and most importantly, there were not so many different mobile screen sizes to worry about. But time has turned upside-down, now there are multiple devices to check on, there are many different browsers available on the market that are used by a considerable number of internet goers, and there are thousands of different screen sizes to test on.