Understanding the Importance of Cross-Browser Testing


Too often, software developers neglect cross-browser compatibility testing. It happens because developers put in a lot of effort into building an application that seems perfect to them, but cross-browser testing is essential if they want it to look the same on different machines.

What Is Cross-Browser Testing?

It is nothing fancy. It's a way to know whether your users will experience your website the way you built it and intended it to be. Cross-browser compatibility testing involves testing the websites across different browsers, OS, devices, and so on. It is important to know that not all browsers behave the same. They render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript uniquely on each platform and browser version. It may sound simple to hear, but it is a daunting task for the developers to test the huge range of combinations. The best way to deal with it is to have your device lab or depend on a third-party cloud-based cross-browser compatibility testing tool, because affording in-house infrastructure is not feasible for every organization. Developers can choose from a variety of free cross-browser testing tools that provide access to thousands of devices. 

Website Accessibility Testing Checklist

Accessibility Testing is a software testing technique that checks if a website or app is easily usable by every user on the internet, including individuals with disabilities or special needs. Often considered a sub-category of usability testing, it ensures that specific, unchangeable conditions do not prevent a person from accessing online resources as easily as anyone else. 

Accessibility testing is significant and should be included in testing pipelines for two significant reasons:

GraphQL, Data Sources, and Visual Testing

In the ever-changing world of development, new tools are constantly popping up to help developers create and manage complex solutions with the ultimate goal of building a great experience for their customers.

Whether it's a tool to help that developer become more productive or an entirely new way of thinking about the architecture of the project, developers are able to spend more time focusing on the unique parts of our code and focus on that great experience.

Mock Java Date/Time for Testing

Referencing the current date/time in your source code makes testing pretty difficult. You have to exclude such references from your assertions, which is not a trivial task to complete.

Time mocking is a viable solution to avoiding current time inconveniences during testing, which can be accomplished by using the new Java 8 Date/Time API (JSR 310).