Guide to TestNG Assertions in Selenium Based Test Automation

We all know that testing is a significant part of SDLC, which can be performed manually or automated. No matter which testing type we adopt, knowing where we are getting application blockers while testing is essential. Learning application blockers becomes a bit easy while manually testing an application as human touch is involved.

However, when testing an application via automation, we should explicitly adopt a strategy where we can validate whether the expected results meet the actual results or not.

Validate or Verify: What Should Your Tests Actually Be Doing?

An overlooked challenge in updating your software testing strategy is simply understanding how effective existing testing is, making it hard to troubleshoot gaps or outdated practices. Understanding the distinctions between testing for validation and testing for verification can help your team build confidence and optimize software testing.

Validation and Verification: A Quick Intro 

Developers commonly divide software testing philosophies into a couple of major areas. Yes, there are more than just two families in the taxonomy of software testing strategies, but these essential classifications offer a tried-and-true starting point. 

7 Approaches To Testing

Originally published on August 17, 2020

This article will be interesting for IT directors, product managers, project managers, and anyone who wants to understand the processes of project quality assurance better.

How Do You Choose the Best Test Cases to Automate?

According to the 2021 Test automation report, more than 40% of companies are looking to expand and invest their resources in test automation. While this doesn’t mean manual testing is going away, there is an increased interest in automation from an ROI perspective - both in terms of money and time. 

After all, we can agree that writing and running those unit test cases is boring. A good automation strategy can free up the tester’s time to tackle some of the more complex problems and help with the early detection of bugs.

Protractor End of Support, Future of Angular E2E, Best Alternative Tools

Many angular and react project is running on Protractor Testing Framework, however, Protractor has recently announced the end of support 2022. Also, there are many users who want to explore Cypress End to End Test Automation Framework, This article explains and answers the most common question while exploring Cypress Test Automation Framework

The Protractor is dying!!! Google announced the protractor end of support/development. 'The Angular team plans to end development of Protractor at the end of 2022 (in conjunction with Angular v15).' So protractor users left with no other option than to migrate their test cases Since Protractor announced the end of life now everyone has only one question, What is the best alternative to the protractor end-to-end testing? Can Cypress Automation tool replace the Protractor or should we consider other tools?

Fast, Efficient, and Effective Cross Browser Testing

What do you think about cross-browser testing?

Developers likely develop on only one browser – and maybe only one operating system. How does an app maker ensure that defects on other browsers will not affect their user base? In theory, cross-browser testing can help companies catch product defects before products get released to customers. But the legacy approach – setting up a bunch of parallel devices and running tests across each – incurs significant engineering skill and resource cost.

Your Continuous Testing Capabilities and Challenges [4-minute survey]

Continuous testing isn’t just about automation or CI/CD pipelines — it's synonymous to testing throughout the SDLC. It's about automating those tests and about implementing the right policies and procedures to ensure testing is performed whenever necessary, whether automated or manual.

Our upcoming report will explore continuous testing capabilities, challenges, and emerging approaches in 2020 and beyond. For individuals who have a role in testing at their organization, your insights will be a key part of our research.

The ABC of Test Automation Frameworks

The need for test automation framework has brewed up in the minds of many software testers. Stakeholders now understand that implementing an automation framework is one of the key factors in the success of software automation projects. From improved test efficiency to minimal manual intervention, the benefits of test automation frameworks are many.

Let us take a deep dive into what exactly is a test automation framework, how do automation scripts work and how test automation frameworks provide you a competitive edge in the testing process.

This Is How You Test Voice Apps in An Automated Fashion

Voice-First Testing — The Big Picture

We face different challenges when testing voice apps than when we test GUI apps. For instance, GUI apps limit the number of possible interactions a user might do. Voice, on the other hand, allows a much richer and complex set of spoken interactions, increasing the difficulty of testing. Additionally, the backend behind voice apps includes several components not owned by developers. These AI-powered elements are constantly learning and evolving by gathering insights from the myriad of interactions they receive. This is why they get constant updates and improvements, which requires us to keep up on our side by doing continuous verification to be sure nothing has broken, and that our app continues to deliver great voice experiences to our users.

We are witnessing a notable increase in the complexity of voice applications as a result of the effort companies do to provide enriched experiences that allow users to solve real and day-to-day problems. In this scenario, testing voice apps is a must.

Test Automation Tools for Desktop Applications: Boxed vs. Open Source

Software development practices change over time, and so does the test automation landscape. Today most applications are either web- or mobile-based. The test automation of such systems is well-described. There are some best practices, information-loaded conferences, good tools, and so on. However, we faced a lack of information regarding desktop testing automation, particularly for Windows 7+ apps.

Our task was to test such an application, given that the manual QA process would take more than a month. Here we share the pros and cons of discovered solutions, along with our experience and some best practices of the test automation process.