Top Automation Practices to Avoid During Testing


The quality of software solutions delivered to consumers determines the success of every software development company. The hard work of the QA team, which frequently tests and updates the software product to keep it up to date, is one of the most significant factors in ensuring the product’s quality. Automation testing best practices and appropriate test automation technologies can help a company achieve this, but what if your tests fail despite your best efforts? Automation testers make mistakes in their eagerness to do their best, which costs them time and money. It also raises questions about their competency and trustworthiness. It may sound like a nightmare for the company but breathe a relief because you can prevent these blunders.

Automation Testing Practices That Testers Need to Take a Break From

When executing various types of automation testing in the automation testing life cycle. Many novice testers and developers make automation testing blunders. It’s more vital to avoid some of the automation testing practices than it is to get the testing right. Many automation testing tools, automation frameworks, and some AI-based automation tools in the market claim to be a one-stop-shop for all automation testing issues. You can resolve the problem to some extent, but half of it remains, leaving behind the costly impact of the consequences.

Automation Testing: The Bright Future of Software Testing

In the past few years, there has been a “big bang” in the world of software testing, with new trends and innovations coming into IT. One of these innovations is automated testing which has challenged the manual testing approach for good reasons. The development world is now entering a new era where developers can run lots of test cases, generate detailed reports, and deliver products in a short time frame.

That being said, we’re going to discuss what automated testing is, why it matters, and what the future holds for it. Let’s begin! 

All You Need to Know About Automation Testing Life Cycle


Testing has become standardized and more competent, and its processes are evolving every day. The technical adeptness of the testers also matters in the success of the complete testing stages. Testing no longer means discovering bugs only; its scope has broadened, and its importance can be seen right from the start of any development project.

When we talk about the automation testing life cycle, most of us believe it is just a part of SDLC, but it is a lot more than that. It is necessary to understand that automation testing should be a prominent part of the automation testing strategy and has a life cycle. Businesses have to adapt it to enhance the quality of their software products.

Device Coverage Report 2021

There are nearly 6 million apps that are distributed across the globe through different app distribution markets. This number is climbing as many more apps are being developed daily. Gone are the days when we had apps only to play games on mobile devices. The new age of app development has revealed that we are closing in on having apps for every need. With the help of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality, we are able to achieve more than what we could ever imagine.

Importance of Omnichannel Communication and Devices

The App world is no more restricted to mobile devices and smartphones. With the rise of digitalization, Businesses and Enterprises are focussing on having an omnichannel presence to maximize the reach and make it easy for their consumers to use their services. Creating an omnichannel presence by using Multi-experience Development platforms has come to the forefront. Transitioning from Mobile and smartphones to Web Applications has taken a center stage off late. There are many other Testing Trends that are set to make an impact in 2021, ensuring that you are staying ahead in understanding these trends will also enable you to ease your testing efforts.

Ready to Solve the Drag of Technical Debt? Kickstart Your Stability.

Drag yourself out of technical debt!

Everyone has technical debt. Developers understand this fact of software life better than most and are acutely aware of how their daily efforts contribute to the issue. For example, any time a product team rushes new features to market or wants an incremental code change to make a customer happy, technical debt increases. The same holds when software frameworks and languages aren’t upgraded in a timely fashion because executives don’t want to slow down development.