Improving the Testability of CLLocationManager

It is common to find difficulties with the response of methods that are not ours when we write class tests that have external dependencies. Let’s see a typical case in mobile development where we can find this problem and find out how we can improve the testability of our CLLocationManager.

Improving the Testability of CLLocationManager

We have developed an app with a map that uses the location services of Apple’sCoreLocation to obtain the user’s location.

How AI Will Transform the Testing Process

To what extent will AI fundamentally change the way we work? What about the change management process? Will AI augment or replace testers? How do we introduce an AI initiative and ensure we are taking the testing team along with us on the journey?Image title

Although biology often inspires human innovation, it hardly leads to a direct implementation. Birds taught humans that flying is possible and inspired human creativity for centuries. But the design of today’s planes and helicopters does not have much in common with their biological role models. As humans learn and apply principles, we adapt them to our needs. Instead of creating mechanical legs for our vehicles that can climb over obstacles, we removed the obstacles and paved the way for our wheeled transportation­­ — which happens to be both faster and more efficient.