Realistic Test Data Generation for Java Apps

The closer your test or demo data is to the real world the better you can test the application for UX, improve, and catch corner cases during development. In this article, I'll show you how to use Vaadin's example data generator to create demo data for a simple SQL database. The article shows how to build a complete app combining Spring Boot, JPA, Project Lombok, Vaadin, and MariaDB.

You can also watch a video version of this article:

Moving From GDPR Compliance to Full-Blown “Test Data Automation”

I’ve written fairly frequently on the impact of the GDPR on testing, often responding to the news and research that continues to flow in. The below infographic summarises my thinking. It draws on news and research from 2019-2020 to show the need to address test data privacy issues today.*

The stats tell a pretty consistent story: the risk of a data breach continues to rise, as do the associated fines and brand damage. Meanwhile, the most effective way to mitigate this risk in testing is to limit the sharing of sensitive information to test environments.

In Search of Quality: QA Must Be Engaged in Search Engine Development

If you’re reading this, you’re likely already well aware of the value of watertight QA practice and have a good understanding of what it entails. Yet, there is possibly a team delivering business-critical software at your organization that has thus far escaped the forensic focus of your testing. You need to talk to them, and this blog is a primer to help you do just that.

So, if you want to do one thing today to increase the measurable impact of QA at your organization, do this: find out which team is developing your organization’s search technologies and ask them how they’re testing them. There’s a fair chance that it’s a third-party search specialist, working with their own set of cutting-edge tools. In this case, verifying the quality of their testing practices becomes even more pertinent.

Data and Location Services

I had the opportunity to meet with several members of Esri's data and location services team while attending Esri's 2019 user conference in San Diego.

Esri is an aggregator, curator, and developer of data. All of the  data is aggregated on, and Esri has been recognized as having the most accurate data in a vendor accuracy study with rich datasets:

GDPR and Testing: Are You a Skeptic or a Gambler?

I started writing and speaking about the significance of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for testing about five years ago. My alarm then, at the implications of the tightening legislation, was frequently met with two forms of response:

1. The skeptic: “Big organizations will simply group together and resist this in the courts. Nothing will change in practice and there’s no way that national data protection agencies will be able to demand so much change so quickly, let alone levy fines this big.”

5 Barriers to Successful Test Automation

Organizations today have long understood the need to automate test execution, and 90% believe that automated testing allows testers to perform their tests quicker. Yet, QA teams are struggling to achieve sufficiently high rates of automated test execution. Slow and overly manual testing still abounds.

In 2018, 61% of organizations had automation rates lower than 50%. This article considers five reasons for these low rates of functional test automation, setting out some of the most common pitfalls to watch out for when adopting a test automation strategy.