Creating Selenium Test Cases: A Tutorial

Selenium has established itself as one of the most popular automation testing frameworks within the software engineering community. Comprising a suite of tools - viz. IDE, RC, WebDriver, and Grid - Selenium has quickly established itself as a market leader in the test automation sector. 

Selenium capitalized on the inadequacies of previously used frameworks like HP QTP, and Mercury’s Astra QuickTest which compelled users to write scripts in VBScript and were primarily intended for desktop-based tests. Its support of a variety of languages like Java, Python, C#, Perl, Ruby, .net, and PHP, has made it popular with individual testers and companies like Netflix, Google, HubSpot, and Fitbit among others.

Micronaut With Relation Database and…Tests


I am writing this article as I was starting to read about Micronauts.

I have been working with spring-boot over the past years, which seems very complete from my point of view. But, as I was hearing about the Micronauts project I wanted to go through and compare what I would find there with my current experience.

“The Best” of the Best Practices for Test Automation

If I were to write about the benefits of test automation, rest assured that you would be reading all about the enhanced reliability it provides, its laser-like accuracy, and far-reaching coverage. And of course, I would certainly make sure to stress how it can drastically improve product quality, reduce time-to-market, and perhaps most valuable of all, bring with it a high return on investment. 

However, I am not writing about the benefits of test automation, although they are indeed impressive when all laid out like that. Instead, I have chosen to write about something that is arguably much more valuable than the benefits of test automation to your business: how to achieve them. And just like most things done well, it requires the right procedures, the right strategies, and of course, the “right” best practices.