Mobile Test Automation: Calabash on Xamarin Test-Cloud

If you are testing your application against an emulator/simulator, you will still have risks that the expected features may possibly not work on several real devices. To handle the real device testing, you should have many devices to run your tests. In the current market, we have lots of possibilities for device and operating system version combinations. The best approach to finding the most used devices is to use some statistical data. In most cases, Pareto analysis can help in selecting high-coverage devices. However, if you want to find more bugs before release, you can focus on the newest device with the latest OS version and the oldest devices with the oldest OS version. In any case, you should have at least 5-10 Android devices and 3-5 iOS devices for a good level of coverage in the beginning. Therefore, managing the devices is another problem if you want to have your own local test suites. As a good alternative, you can use the cloud services. In this post, I want to share some information about running the Calabash test on Xamarin Test-Cloud.

xamarinXamarin Test-Cloud supports X-platform frameworks, so you can use the same feature files for both iOS and Android projects. However, you should submit the code by providing the profile and the config files in your command. If you have your own Calabash project, then you are ready to submit your code to test-cloud.

Cloud-Based Automated Testing Essentials

Despite much progress in the testing framework space, creating automated tests can still require a significant amount of prerequisite coding knowledge. Automated testing solutions, particularly those based in the cloud, offer unique opportunities for teams across an organization — including developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders. By abstracting large parts of the intricacies involved in automated test creation, each of these roles can align their approach specific to their skillset and needs.

Dive into the fundamentals of cloud-based test automation with this Refcard focused on advantages, considerations, and prominent tools: from code-based solutions to those offering low-code functionality and advanced capabilities like intelligent test automation.

2020 and Top Codeless Testing Tools You’d Better Know

This article was originally published in May 2020.

Coding may take years to practice to master. Having testers program a bunch of codes, fix errors in applications, and finish backlogs in weeks are challenging, time-consuming, and cost rising. The World Quality Report 2019–2020 has pointed out that lacking advanced programming expertise is one of the top challenges when applying test automation to Agile projects. We could say, the development of codeless automation testing tools is an emerging solution to the challenge.

Migrating Oracle EBS to Cloud via Test Automation

Business leaders are looking to transform their business technology stack and optimize economic and business benefits by migrating to the cloud. The users of Oracle EBS, E-Business Suite installation, are no more an exception to this. However,  EBS customers have an option to migrate to Oracle Cloud without much re-configuration, re-integration, or business process change. 

The migration to Oracle cloud is not a walk in the park. If not performed properly, there might be chances that application crashes may occur leading to a series of glitches and business disruption. In this article, we’ll discuss what challenges enterprises might face during Oracle Cloud Migration. We will also discuss how test focussed migration strategy can address these challenges.

How Do You Choose the Best Test Cases to Automate?

According to the 2021 Test automation report, more than 40% of companies are looking to expand and invest their resources in test automation. While this doesn’t mean manual testing is going away, there is an increased interest in automation from an ROI perspective - both in terms of money and time. 

After all, we can agree that writing and running those unit test cases is boring. A good automation strategy can free up the tester’s time to tackle some of the more complex problems and help with the early detection of bugs.

Solving the Top 10 Test Automation Challenges

Web Applications’ dynamic, rapidly-changing, and business-critical nature pushes the limits of traditional test automation tools and open source frameworks. 

Changes to your application require changes to your tests. Not just for the new features but also for your regression tests. 

Overcoming Critical Oracle EPM Cloud Migration Challenges With Testing

Due to the low cost of ownership, data security, real-time access to data, scalability, and flexibility, enterprises across the globe are looking to migrate from on-premises Oracle Hyperion to Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM. Undoubtedly, there are numerous benefits of migrating to Oracle EPM Cloud, but there are also some concerns as well. Business users, managers, and IT heads are worried about the initial cost of migration, business disruption, and risks. Furthermore, there is also concern about security, time to transition, ease of adoption, and data conversion.

These concerns are not vague. In fact, they are backed by some potential data.

How to Set up TestCafe and TypeScript JavaScript End-to-End Automation Testing Framework From Scratch

What is TestCafe?

TestCafe is a non-selenium-based open-source JavaScript End to End Automation Testing Framework built with NodeJS. TestCafe supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and TypeScript.

TestCafe is nowadays very popular since it is very stable and follows an easy setup.TestCafe does not depend on Selenium or other testing software. TestCafe runs on the popular Node.js platform and makes use of the browsers that you already have.

Codeless Test Automation: The Biggest Software Testing Trend of 2021

Codeless test automation is arising as a promising solution for non-programmers during the software development cycle. Organizations are attempting to solve fast-tracking software delivery and the technical effort it takes to test. That's where software testing is switching from manual testing to codeless automation testing tools to validate applications.

Besides CI/CD integrations and multiple types of testing coverage, codeless test automation also solves the issue of coding skills resulting in more and faster releases. Thus, simplifying the testing processes for QA teams no matter how sophisticated the software is. 

How to Set up Cypress and Typescript End-to-End Automation Testing Framework From Scratch

This article explains creating or setting up a end-to-end testing framework from scratch using Typescript. Unlike another tutorial, this explains setting up the Cypress framework using Typescript in a simple and easy way. This article is helpful for whoever wants to set up the Cypress Typescript automation framework for the first time. Also, I know that there are many, migrating from different automation frameworks like Protractor,, etc. this will be helpful for them too.

This Tutorial shows page object model creation as well, however you can use it for any type of framework by skipping those steps.

Cypress Web Automation


Cypress is an open-source test automation tool for testing web applications. Cypress can interact with different test automation tools like Selenium, Protractor, etc. Cypress can also interact directly with web browsers and is capable of testing modern web applications based on React and AngularJS frameworks as well. 

Cypress uses its own architecture and can directly interact with web elements. It doesn't use Selenium at its backend as with other UI testing tools we have in the market today. Cypress has its own rich set of powerful commands which it executes inside the browser itself, whereas Selenium executes its command remotely using a server. 

Whole Team Testing for Continuous Delivery

I just completed taking Elisabeth Hocke’s course, The Whole Team Approach to Continuous Testing, on Test Automation University. Wow! Talk about a mind-blowing experience.

Mind-blowing? Well, yes. Earlier in my career, I studied lean manufacturing best practices. In a factory, lean manufacturing focuses on reducing waste and increasing factory productivity. Elisabeth (who goes by "Lisi") explains how this concept makes sense in a continuous delivery model for software.

How To Select The Right Test Automation Tool

Every software development team or company will come to the point where a test automation tool is needed to downsize the effort of regression testing. The test automation tool can help the tester and the whole team to concentrate on other important testing tasks that a tool can't handle.

Selecting a tool sounds easy at first. Many people will pick the most popular tool on the market or the one that supports the programming language of the product. Sure, these are two important factors when selecting a tool, but there is much more to consider when searching and selecting the tool.

Top Testing Types to Use in Automation Testing

Planning automated tests.

For any organization, the overall testing culture is influenced by the prevailing testing approach, apart from how they envision the test automation and how are they planning to collaborate beyond the development teams. Establishing test automation in an organization is not your conventional practice and that is why you would want to learn the best approaches possible.

This means retrospecting the current process, finalizing and deciding the new test approach as well as determining the level of testing, roles, and responsibilities of the team members.

A/B Testing: Validating Multiple Variations

Can you spot the difference? Is there one?

When you have multiple variations of your app, how do you automate the process to validate each variation?

A/B testing is a technique used to compare multiple experimental variations of the same application to determine which one is more effective with users. You typically run A/B tests to get statistically valid measures of effectiveness. But, do you know why one version is better than the other? It could be that one contains a defect.

Data-Driven Testing With Visual AI

Data-Driven Testing With Visual AI

Let's be honest: if you're using legacy test approaches, you spend a ton of time maintaining your data-driven tests. And that time slows you down when you're trying to keep up with a dev team that thinks, "We're coding to standards — it should all run everywhere."

Think about the most difficult parts of coding and maintaining your test infrastructure. The simplest part involves writing the initial tests. You use what you see and your understanding of expected behavior to drive the tests. Test maintenance costs can drive you crazy.

Top 10 Automated Software Testing Tools

We are in an era of automation everywhere! Some time back, Bob Egan, the Chief Research Officer at Sepharim Research, talked about mobile security. He made a statement on Enterprise Mobility Trends 2016:

“The modern desktop is really not a desktop, but an experience that fits the moment.”

He also added saying that we are getting into a generation where there will be applications developed specifically for the work to be done easily and efficiently. I totally agree with that and believe that we are highly dependent on minimizing our work efforts with the help of various tools.

Web Element Locator Strategies [A Student’s Experience]

I wanted to know about web element locators. In my free time, I am taking courses on Test Automation University, sponsored by Applitools. We are getting some of the best minds in test automation to present their approaches to testing web software. You may have read my review of Amber Race's course on API testing.

I took Andrew Knight's course on Web Element Locator Strategies to learn about how locators play a huge role in test automation — or just testing in general. Andrew is also a star teacher, consultant, and practitioner in the areas of software development and testing. You can read his blog at