How To Integrate Infracost With Terraform Cloud

Running infrastructure at any scale almost always guarantees a dizzying array of components and configurations. To further complicate things, different teams within an organization may need similar infrastructures with slight variations. Additionally, that infrastructure may be spread over multiple topographies, from on-premise to one or more cloud vendors.

Terraform is Hashicorp’s service offering that can provision infrastructure across multiple clouds and on-premises data centers, in addition to safely and efficiently re-provisioning infrastructure in response to configuration changes. 

Infracost: How to Get Started

Infracost is an open-source project released in June 2020 on their 0.1.0 version. It was created by cloud computer experts Hassan Khajeh-Hosseini, Ali Khajeh-Hosseini, and Alistair Scott. They have been working with cloud technologies since 2012 by providing solutions to tech giants such as Sony, Samsung, and Netflix.

Working with cloud providers and DevOps is all about speed, efficiency, and cost management. However, the cost of infrastructural changes can be challenging to gauge. A deployment that shifts allocated resources may lead to a displeasing bill at the end of the month.

What is GitOps?


Solutions that assist teams and companies in speeding up the process of continuous deployment in cloud environments are constantly improving as DevOps continues to gain more popularity.  One of the tools that DevOps veterans and novice professionals all know and trust that is behind the growth of DevOps is Git.

Essentially, since 2017 when the GitOps movement to manage Kubernetes clusters began, there has been a considerable push for automation of software development. It reduces human error, improves the reliability of software deployment pipelines', and empowers DevOps folks to deploy more, gather better analytical data, and correct errors faster.

Simplifying IAC Using Terraform, Terragrunt, and Atlantis

Before we start on simplifying the Infra as Code(IAC), let's learn about what it is and the best practices of coding for our Infra. 

What Is Infra as Code(IAC)?

IaC is a method of templating your infrastructure configuration in a version-controlled system and automate the provisioning and destruction of application environments. Adapting IAC helps in enabling self-service for developers, reducing bottlenecks, errors, and time-consuming rollbacks.  

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Terraform: Enabling TypeScript and Python Support

It’s not a leap to propose that Terraform is the DevOps cornerstone for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Terraform’s adoption since its mid-2014 release to the software development landscape has been meteoric. More than 8000 organizations are using Terraform for infrastructure automation.

To successfully use the IAC tool, it’s important to optimize HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). HCL has become one of the most popular languages on GitHub. Typically though, it’s preferable to work with a familiar programming language rather than learning a new one. The good news here is that the Terraform community, in collaboration with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), recently announced the support of TypeScript and Python for provisioning infrastructure using Terraform. Developers can leverage these languages to optimize the IaC’s tools for many providers and modules.

Building Pipelines With Terraform Cloud

Having a robust and effective CI/CD pipeline is the key to shorter sprints and effective iterations of cloud-native applications. In order to push updates regularly and successfully, you have to incorporate a number of things into the pipeline, including testing and security.

Terraform is used to build, maintain, and update cloud infrastructure. It runs from your desktop and communicates directly with cloud service providers like AWS.