How Your Chatbot Can Learn to Understand Synonyms in Teneo

In language, there are many ways of saying the same thing. That creates a need to optimize the language conditions for your bot so that it can give the correct answer even when other words are used. Here is how you do it in Teneo Studio.

We have earlier seen examples of how to semi-automatically create language conditions based on positive example inputs. For example, we created a syntax trigger that can handle conversations like the following:

Creating a Conversational Order Process in Teneo

Creating a conversational order process

Think about how much faster you could sell or help customers by having a chatbot or virtual assistant handling orders. An order process has certain information that needs to be filled out in order to complete the process. When you are building a bot, this is called slot filling. This guide is a walkthrough on how you create a slot filling flow.

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Slot filling is about collecting certain bits of information from the user before a final response can be given. A typical use-case is to make an order of some kind where certain parameters need to be settled before the order can be placed, for example booking a flight or ordering a pair of shoes.

Tracking and Using Sentiment in Teneo

His sentiment doesn't look too good.


The Teneo platform is delivered with a collection of agile, customizable tools that build on the usual intent recognition that natural language systems offer. Combined with Teneo's unique infrastructure, these tools allow you to cumulatively monitor various aspects of user behavior during a conversation:

Characteristics of user input Categories Examples
Sentiment negative
not happy about this
that was a nice answer
Intensity cues capitalization
intensifying vocabulary
multiple one-word sentences
what DAY is this
I know, I know
what?? what!! what!?!
very good, extremely well
You. are. great.
Abusive language hate speech
sexual abuse
(clearly racist statements)
(obscene language)
(threats of violence)
(explicit sexual references)
Controversial themes

I need an abortion.
How do I rob a bank?
My best friend died.
Heil Hitler.
Let’s have sex.
I want to end it all.
What happened on 9/11?

Think about these categories for a moment. Knowing what happens at the meta-level of a conversation opens numerous powerful possibilities. During the session, you have an opportunity to identify and react to various situations that arise, tailoring the conversation towards a better user experience. After the session, you are able to analyze user sentiment towards company products and services as well as towards acceptance of the system's handling of the users’ issues. In this article, we focus on use cases for sentiment tracking during the session.