Full-Stack Observability Essentials

Observability and telemetry work together to correlate the health of individual systems with the overall health of the business, highlighting what’s going on within the complex systems, processes, and microservices of an entire tech stack and/or application — purely from the existing data streams collected. In this Refcard, explore the fundamentals of full-stack observability and key components of the OpenTelemetry standard.

Making an IoT Developer’s Life Easier With Eclipse IoT Packages

As an IoT developer, one is often tasked with putting together a solution that includes one or more open source components. I remember, even as far back as 2014, using components like Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker and Eclipse Paho MQTT client for a pilot project with IoT Gateway at Intel. Fast forward a few years at Red Hat, where I used components like Eclipse Kura and Eclipse Kapua for a European industrial automation project. Without realizing it then, I was using these components from Eclipse IoT open source projects.

Eclipse IoT Packages logoImage courtesy of Eclipse Foundation

Getting Started With OpenTelemetry

With the growing number of mass migrations to the cloud, OpenTelemetry solves new challenges by simplifying and reducing time spent on data collection through automation. OpenTelemetry is an open-source collection of tools, APIs, SDKs, and specifications with the purpose of standardizing how to model and collect telemetry data. OpenTelemetry has been proven to enable effective observability and it aims to become a standard of observability implementation.

In this Refcard, we introduce core OpenTelemetry architecture components, key concepts and features, and how to set up for tracing and exporting telemetry data.

Here’s What SLIs AREN’T

SLIs, or service level indicators, are powerful metrics of service health. They’re often built up from simpler metrics that are monitored from the system. SLIs transform lower-level machine data into something that captures user happiness.

Your organization might already have processes with this same goal. Techniques like real-time telemetry and using synthetic data also build metrics that meaningfully represent service health. In this article, we’ll break down how these techniques vary, and the unique benefits of adopting SLIs.

Observability 101: Terminology and Concepts

When I first started following Charity on Twitter back in early 2019, I was quickly overwhelmed by the new words and concepts she was discussing. I liked the results she described: faster debugging, less alert fatigue, happier users. Those are all things I wanted for my team! But I was hung up on these big polysyllabic words, which stopped me from taking those first steps toward improving our own observability.

This post is my attempt to help orient folks who want to learn more about observability but maybe feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the vocabulary list, like I did. My goal is to get everyone on the same page about what these words mean so that we can focus on leveraging the tools and ideas to build better software and deliver more value! 

Components of Effective Software Monitoring: App Logs, Infrastructure Telemetry, Health-Check Reports

At Logicify, we are proud to be software monitoring geeks. We love to monitor both the apps we develop and the ones we use internally. Not because they are sloppy. Not because we don’t trust our code. But because we love to keep abreast of events, control performance and eliminate the risks of an error. Monitoring helps us be proactive and avert issues before real users are affected.

In our double-sided system of user behavior and app condition monitoring, we use Graylog as a single data storage for logs and other data about the web app, and Grafana, a powerful data visualization tool. Combined and wisely configured, these two tools give an objective picture of the app’s performance at all times. For comprehensive snapshots of system behavior and, what is more important for apps in production, for proactive moves to iron troubles out, we collect monitoring data from a multiple layers. App-specific metrics are complemented by other analytics to give a broader picture of system state and performance.