Top 5 AI Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond

One word that has been on the tip of the tongue of almost every second person on this planet especially since the last decade, and that has completely revolutionized the world in which we are currently living, is none other than technology. 

Under the umbrella of technology, there are several terms with which you must be already familiar, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, blockchain technology, cognitive technology, data processing, data science, big data, and the list is endless. 

Cloud Observability – Understand the Complex State of Your System

Cloud-based systemic optimization is central to the agility of a business in today’s post-COVID world. Whilst the accelerating trend to embrace the cloud is good, the key focus should lie in identifying and outmaneuvering any future uncertainties. Nobody expected to be forced to work from home, neither did some industries expect a volatile growth in traffic and demand. For example, Netflix saw a sharp 16 million spike in the number of new subscribers, highlighting the unprecedented growth in demand and the need for tactical systems to handle the same. 

With the growing scale and complexity of systems architecture and new challenges being imposed, IT professionals are under high pressure to identify anomalies, derive solutions for the same, and ensure that they don’t arise in the future. To assure that, enterprises are looking at Observability.

Technological Regulation From a Software Product Point of View

The Regulation Landscape With Techplomacy

Until recently, regulation and diplomacy were usually the jobs of governments and non-profit organizations. In 2017, technological diplomacy (techplomacy) was augmented as a cross-cutting foreign and security policy priority [1], [2]. There exist governments employing new roles such as technological ambassadors. Such people’s main duty is to liaise and connect governments to tech companies around the world. Countries are affected by certain companies as much as they are affected by other countries. These kinds of companies have become like a new type of nation, a fact that needs to be accounted for. Realizing the important role that they play in shaping our lives today and in the future, identifying the transformative and pervasive nature of a number of technological fields [3] such as artificial intelligence and social media, companies now play their part in shaping the regulation landscape. 

Products, Then and Now

When streets and houses were first wired, electricity was only used for lighting. Electricity's ability to change people's lives was not immediately apparent. When the infrastructure was in place, though, products like the TV, radio, and telephone emerged. 

How AI Is Helping to Battle COVID-19?

The world has come to a standstill with the near-exponential escalation of coronavirus pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2). First reported in China on 31 December 2019, the dread of the Covid-19 has spread across the globe quickly. As of now, the total number of Covid 19 infections has crossed one million globally, with 51,000 fatalities and 2,10,000 recoveries. 

As the numbers keep on rising exponentially, world leaders have shut down their countries and are asking their citizens to stay at home. In fact, all the major cities have entered into hibernation as the public spaces remain deserted. Classrooms, landmarks, bars, shops, clubs, and restaurants remain closed while train tracks, airports, and roads appear eerily empty. 

The Best Tech for The Job: Investing in Your Workforce with Innovative Technology

Today’s job market features historically low unemployment rates, which favors applicants and leaves employers seeking innovative ways to attract and retain desirable candidates.

According to a Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report commissioned by Insight Enterprises, 58 percent of respondents say “their organization’s technology offerings factor into a candidate’s decision to take the position.”