How to Measure Technical Debt and How to Keep Track of the Progress

Don't drown in technical debt!

Nothing in this world is perfect. Neither is code. Sometimes the pressure to deliver fast results leads to coding shortcuts. Sometimes developers can’t find the right solution immediately and sometimes they are too lazy to do that. One day they misread the requirements, and the other – the requirements are changed in the process. But what does it have in common with the technical debt?

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Is Technical Debt Secretly Your Scrum Member?

What is Technical Debt?

In simple words, technical debt is the bad engineering practice used intentionally or unintentionally while developing software which leads to adding up of complications to the existing code base which impacts overall maintainability and quality of the code. There could be innumerable reasons for such practices at the team or organizational level. Technical debt is insidious and arises in every codebase and every team sooner or later, impacting the overall agility of the Scrum team to respond to new changes.

Signs of Technical Debt

No matter if you are developing a product from scratch or maintaining a product, if your team gets into some of the situations cited below then be sure to take some actions to correct your course before your agility becomes vulnerable.

Is Your Scrum Team Really Agile?

Scrum is a framework used effectively across industries to address complex adaptive problems. It creates a setup where developers, testers, and business users make a cross-functional team and work closely within rules and values of Scrum to create beautiful products with agility.

You may be following all the Scrum principles, values, and rules stringently, but still may not be as Agile as you can be. Every Scrum team needs to have a global look at Scrum in terms of tools and practices, irrespective of their role, and see what can be done to increase agility. If your team faces one or more of the following issues, then you need to re-visit your way of doing Scrum.