All You Need to Know About 8 Web Design Trends: 2021

However awash with challenges induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the interminable year 2020 still anticipated the emergence of outstanding web design trends in 2021.

Indeed, the quarantine period, in concert with remote working, has increased human exposure to the virtual world, especially websites. And now, we’ll summarize the top possibly dominant website design trends in 2021.

Caching Ruby Gems on Github Actions Using ruby/setup-ruby or actions/cache

How to start CI build faster by loading Ruby gems from cache on Github Actions? You can start running your tests for a Ruby on Rails project quicker if you manage to set up all dependencies in a short amount of time. Caching can be helpful with that. Ruby gems needed for your project can be cached by Github Actions and thanks to that they can be loaded much faster when you run a new CI build.

You will learn how to configure Github Actions using:

Fog Computing is the Future

The term fog computing (or fogging) was coined by Cisco in 2014, so it is new for the general public. Fog and cloud computing are interconnected. In nature, fog is closer to the earth than clouds; in the technological world, it is just the same, fog is closer to end-users, bringing cloud capabilities down to the ground.

The main difference between fog computing and cloud computing is that the cloud is a centralized system, while the fog is a distributed decentralized infrastructure.

Intelligent Vision: AR Contact Lenses Coming Soon?

Given the number of variables and lack of empirical data, there’s simply no way to measure the number of people who need to wear glasses or contact lenses in the world. For instance, some people only need visionary aid to read, some to drive, some experience short or long-sightedness and others may simply turn to glasses as a fashion accessory. Of those who use contact lenses as well as eyeglasses, over 62% wear contact lenses more often. 

Convenience, comfort, and flexibility of contact lenses are perhaps the most attributable factors to this high statistic. The small plastic lenses are incredibly portable, invisible, and negate the need to wear a whole frame on a user’s face. Contact lenses sit seamlessly on the curvature of the eye, giving the user a far wider field of view than glasses lenses - which often create blind spots and restrict vision. Contact lenses are typically less affected by adverse weather conditions such as fog and rain and are more suitable to wear when taking part in physical activity and competitive sports. 

Will 2021 See AI Grow Into The Crypto Landscape?

After years of unprecedented growth, both worlds of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence appear to become deeper intertwined in 2021 with the emergence of AI-driven crypto exchanges and wallets.

The crypto market place has been known to create unlikely millionaires virtually overnight. With heavy levels of market volatility and huge volumes of data produced with every movement, the utilization of intuitive analytical software can be hugely beneficial for investors and market analysts alike. However, the future roles that AI can play within the world of crypto can extend way beyond smart market analysis.

IoT and Node.JS: How to Catch the Opportunity?

In 2019, the market revenue of IoT reached $ 212 billion. There are about 26.66 billion connected IoT devices worldwide, and this number is to reach 75.44 billion by 2025. The UN estimates that, in May 2020, the world population is 7.78 billion people. A simple math operation tells us that an average person owns from 3 to 4 IoT devices. Do you have one? Maybe a smartwatch? A smart TV? Or a smart car?

Moving further, the population is expected to reach 8.1 billion people in 2025. The same math calculation shows us that, in 2025, an average person will have from 9 to 10 smart devices in their possession. Do you see where I am leading you to? Do you want to join this prosperous market niche and make your IoT device to be one of these 9 to 10?

How to Read Version Number and Other Details From Java Manifest

Image of Java code
One of the biggest challenges teams struggle with nowadays is versioning their packages.

One of the challenges I have seen teams struggle with nowadays is versioning their packages. One of the problems with adopting any versioning system is that typically you have to version (at least) two components: the binary you are releasing AND the source code at the time you have built the software. Doing this allows you to easily match versions in production to the source code — which needless to say, makes it so much easier to diagnose things.

You may also like: Welcoming the New Era of Java

In the Java world, this becomes an even more interesting problem as the binary can be versioned based on a naming convention ( package-1.2.3.jar) as well as via the manifest file. Luckily, there are a lot of plugins that can help you with versioning the jar filename — and equally, it's pretty easy nowadays to generate a manifest at build time that contains the same information.